Baby Names

Just when I think we have a name...

I realize that our choices arent that great and go back to the drawing board. So our list of 4 has once again grown. These are the names that keep coming back to us but we just cant decide which one to go with. I seem to find something wrong with every name. We already have a Preston Luke, Alexa Brooke, and Leah Grace. Our LN is 2 syllables and ends with "man". Please help me narrow down my list...again!

Emma Lillian (Love this one but think Lillian takes away from Emma)

Emma Corrine (DH hates this one)

Emma Elaina (An OK name)

Emma Lacey (Love this one but concerned Lacey is too cute for adulthood)

Emma Katherine ( I like it but dont think its our style)

Emma Brynn (Dont think it sounds right)

Emma Makenzie (Not sure about all the "m" sounds)

Emma Kylie (Just an OK name)

Emma Lily (Love this but think the flow is off)

Emma Shea (Not crazy about this one, DH pick)

Emma Claire (Stand-by name in case we find nothing else)

Emma Hannah (Like it but think the flow is off)

Emma Felicity (Like it but DH hates it)

Emma Presley (Cute but I already have a Preston)

Emma Amelia (Dont think it flows good)

Emma May (Kinda cute, dont hate it, dont love it)

Emma Neveah (Like it but dont think its our style)

Emma Elaine (Like it but dont think its our style)

Emma Elise (Pretty but not crazy about it)

Re: Just when I think we have a name...

  • I love Emma Claire.
  • imagecoggins08:

    I realize that our choices arent that great and go back to the drawing board. So our list of 4 has once again grown. These are the names that keep coming back to us but we just cant decide which one to go with. I seem to find something wrong with every name. We already have a Preston Luke, Alexa Brooke, and Leah Grace. Our LN is 2 syllables and ends with "man". Please help me narrow down my list...again!

    Emma Lillian (Love this one but think Lillian takes away from Emma) LIKE

    Emma Corrine (DH hates this one) LIKE

    Emma Elaina (An OK name) LIKE

    Emma Lacey (Love this one but concerned Lacey is too cute for adulthood) CUT

    Emma Katherine ( I like it but dont think its our style) LIKE

    Emma Brynn (Dont think it sounds right) CUT

    Emma Makenzie (Not sure about all the "m" sounds) CUT

    Emma Kylie (Just an OK name) CUT

    Emma Lily (Love this but think the flow is off) LIKE

    Emma Shea (Not crazy about this one, DH pick) CUT

    Emma Claire (Stand-by name in case we find nothing else) LOVE!

    Emma Hannah (Like it but think the flow is off) CUT

    Emma Felicity (Like it but DH hates it) LIKE

    Emma Presley (Cute but I already have a Preston) CUT

    Emma Amelia (Dont think it flows good) CUT

    Emma May (Kinda cute, dont hate it, dont love it) CUT

    Emma Neveah (Like it but dont think its our style) CUT!

    Emma Elaine (Like it but dont think its our style) LIKE

    Emma Elise (Pretty but not crazy about it) LIKE

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  • I love Emma Claire!! Beautiful and feminine and flows well :)
  • Or maybe....Emma Elizabeth! Thats beautiful and timeless :) Good luck :)
  • Ho. Ly. Crap.

     First off, I think you might be overthinking this MN thing. Remember that it's a name that is rarely used, so don't stress yourself out over it too much. If there isn't a name in your famiy that would work, and you don't have a name that you love but would never use as a FN, just find something that sounds nice with Emma.

    Looking through your list, here's what I'd do.

    Take out all the names that one or both of you hate (how are they even still on there?), so....Corinne, Shea, Felicity are out.

    Take out Presley because you have a Preston.

    Take out all the names you don't think sound right, so Brynn, Makenzie, Lily, Hannah, Amelia.

    Take out all the names that aren't your style, so Katherine, Nevaeh, Elaine.

    You are now left with a slightly more manageable list:

    Emma Lillian

    Emma Elaina

    Emma Lacey

    Emma Kylie

    Emma Claire

    Emma May

    Emma Elise

    From just get my opinions. Ditich Elise and Elaina. The double E is a tongue twister. Ditch Kylie and Lacey. They do't flow at all, and they just sound dumb with a classic name like Emma.

    Now, the only remaining names are:

    Emma Lillian

    Emma Claire

    Emma May

    You're calling Claire a stand-by in case you can't choose, and May you "don't love, don't hate." Lillian is the only name you say you love. You're afraid it's going to overshadow Emma, but why? It's a MN. It will rarely be used. If you love it, USE IT.

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  • I think you can go ahead and toss Emma Neveah.

    That one makes me sad.


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  • imagehollyberry3333:
    Or maybe....Emma Elizabeth! Thats beautiful and timeless :) Good luck :)

    I like this a lot! I know someone with a little Emma Elisabeth.  

  • I LOVE Emma Claire, I also really like Emma Brynn. Emma Lillian is pretty in theory.... but I don't like how it sounds out loud, doesn't flow right.
    Other than that, Emma Katherine is pretty as is Emma Elise.

    Not a huge fan of the rest....

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  • imagealliejo725:

    Ho. Ly. Crap.

     First off, I think you might be overthinking this MN thing. Remember that it's a name that is rarely used, so don't stress yourself out over it too much. If there isn't a name in your famiy that would work, and you don't have a name that you love but would never use as a FN, just find something that sounds nice with Emma.

    Looking through your list, here's what I'd do.

    Take out all the names that one or both of you hate (how are they even still on there?), so....Corinne, Shea, Felicity are out.

    Take out Presley because you have a Preston.

    Take out all the names you don't think sound right, so Brynn, Makenzie, Lily, Hannah, Amelia.

    Take out all the names that aren't your style, so Katherine, Nevaeh, Elaine.

    You are now left with a slightly more manageable list:

    Emma Lillian

    Emma Elaina

    Emma Lacey

    Emma Kylie

    Emma Claire

    Emma May

    Emma Elise

    From just get my opinions. Ditich Elise and Elaina. The double E is a tongue twister. Ditch Kylie and Lacey. They do't flow at all, and they just sound dumb with a classic name like Emma.

    Now, the only remaining names are:

    Emma Lillian

    Emma Claire

    Emma May

    You're calling Claire a stand-by in case you can't choose, and May you "don't love, don't hate." Lillian is the only name you say you love. You're afraid it's going to overshadow Emma, but why? It's a MN. It will rarely be used. If you love it, USE IT.


    I say go with Emma Lillian too for the same reasons 

    CafeMom Tickers
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  • Emma Elise, Emma Felicity, or Emma Shea

    If you Like Emma Lillian, why not use it?

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  • imagealliejo725:

    Emma Lillian

    Emma Claire

    Emma May

    You're calling Claire a stand-by in case you can't choose, and May you "don't love, don't hate." Lillian is the only name you say you love. You're afraid it's going to overshadow Emma, but why? It's a MN. It will rarely be used. If you love it, USE IT.

    This. Personally I love Emma Claire, no matter how safe.

    Isaac Levi 4/26/09 : BFP#2 - MC 9w : Ezra John 6/26/11 : Miriam Joy 4/12/13 : Naomi Ann 9/2/14

  • I like Emma Lillian. I have a niece whose name is Emma Danielle, her parents names were Dan and Michelle so  you mix them and get Danielle. Anyway i agree with the rest if you like Lillian use it!
    IAmPregnant TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yes
    I love Emma Claire.
  • Emma Claire favorite, second favorite is Emma May.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My favorites on your list are Emma Lillian and Emma Katherine.  I also love Emma Scarlett.
  • Emma Katherine and Emma Kylie. Love those two.


    bfp 1 - m/c 1.31.11 @ 10 weeks

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  • Emma Lillian (Love this one but think Lillian takes away from Emma): I think it's pretty. The Lillian doesn't take away from Emma, imo. 

    Emma Corrine (DH hates this one)I have to agree with DH on this one, I don't like the Corrine at all.

    Emma Elaina (An OK name) It's too similar. The starting with E and ending in a AND being one syllable. My vote's out.

    Emma Lacey (Love this one but concerned Lacey is too cute for adulthood) I love Lacey, and it'd be a middle name so it's not bad for an Adult. I think it's too cute with Emma though.

    Emma Katherine ( I like it but dont think its our style)Well, if you like it then it is your style. imo. :P It's very nice.

    Emma Brynn (Dont think it sounds right) You're right, lol it doesn't. :P

    Emma Makenzie (Not sure about all the "m" sounds) I'd say no.

    Emma Kylie (Just an OK name) I agree with you, it's OK, but you have much better names on this list, so I'd cross it out.

    Emma Lily (Love this but think the flow is off) It is sort of's a bit choppy when added to your last name. I prefer the Lillian.

    Emma Shea (Not crazy about this one, DH pick) I disagree completely. I don't like Shea. And again, the ending in a and being one syllable is too close to Emma.

    Emma Claire (Stand-by name in case we find nothing else) I love it!

    Emma Hannah (Like it but think the flow is off) The flow is off. :P

    Emma Felicity (Like it but DH hates it) Not a fan, but it is nice.

    Emma Presley (Cute but I already have a Preston) I'd say no. I don't like Presley,and Emma Presley makes me immediately think of Elvis Presley

    Emma Amelia (Dont think it flows good) It doesn't. Too similar. Almost like story. Makes me think of Amelia Bedelia.

    Emma May (Kinda cute, dont hate it, dont love it) It is cute, but almost too cute.  It's nice though.

    Emma Neveah (Like it but dont think its our style) I don't like it.

    Emma Elaine (Like it but dont think its our style) It's nice, much better than Elaina.

    Emma Elise (Pretty but not crazy about it) I LOVE this one. I'm considering it myself. :P


    All in all, nice names. My favourites are:

    Emma Elise

    Emma Claire

    Emma Lillian

    Emma Katherine. In that order.  :)

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