Um - not sure where my head has been, but it's the kids' holiday concert TOMORROW and I totally spaced on getting DD a dress. I have about an hour this afternoon to run to the mall. Any place that has fab holiday dresses that I should check out first? I prefer more modern, but DD is all about the fru-fru. I have not even been to Target recently - so I really have no clue what is out there.
She's a size 5/XS....could do a 5T in a dress though if it's not too short.
If all else fails she does have a tutu-ish skirt and some cardigans, so I could piece something together, but it's become sort of tradition that she gets her big 'ol frilly dress for Christmas. Makes her happy and makes my grandma.
Re: I have one hour to find DD a holiday
I'm loving the tulle skirts at Gap. I got Rory one of these ones with sequins, too, but this is what I did for my kids (Rory's stuff was from the girl stuff at Gap). They have lots of different colors.
Ohhhh...she might go for that. Does it twirl?
Don't laugh, but we found a really cute dress at Walmart on Black Friday! I never shop Walmart, but we always go to the one in the small town where my parent's cabin is. I just tried to find a photo online, but can't. It's cream taffeta with different sized red and green dots embroidered all over it. It's short sleeve and has a red sash. The skirt has a little crinoline under it and I swear it was like, $18. It's a very classic dress and honestly, I'm probably not doing it justice with this description, but am not at home to take a photo for you!
FWIW, I haven't seen anything I love at Target lately. But, awhile ago, on the big girls side, there was a dark blue taffeta poofy skirt with black velvet polka dots that would be super cute with a cardigan.
I don't know...I haven't even showed her these skirts because I know she'd want to wear them 24/7 when she sees them.
I have not been finding anything at Target lately either. The kid girl side had lots of sparkly dresses, but I thought a lot of them seemed too grown up for R. I did think some of the skirts were cute, but not so cute that I couldn't resist.
JW - I had the skirt in my cart a while back and put it back. I do have the cardigan in that blue color though that I could pair with a black tule-ish skirt she has.
She seriously has so many clothes, I really should not get her anything else, but it's just one of those things that she looks forward too, and like I said, my grandma does too. She loves seeing M in her holiday dress.
Well never mind. Just got an email saying they are postponing their Christmas program because we are supposed to get a massive snowstorm tonight/tomorrow.
Still going shopping though