
We had to call in the calvary with DH's gma...

DH had the talk with her about going home tomorrow. The therapists have released her from their care and the nurse will release her tomorrow. the talk didn't go so well and she accused DH of trying to get rid of her. 

I sent a text to his aunt in CA yesterday letting her know what was going on and then his uncle called us last night. He's going to call this morning while we get our tree and tell her it's time to go home. He's going to play it up that the skeevy neighbor is well enough to sit with her and the health aide. This better work... 

Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image

Re: We had to call in the calvary with DH's gma...

  • Can you post a link to your OP of what's going on?  I'd like to know and haven't been here consistently to know.

    Me with my littlest.
  • winery - it's been a long series of vents/posts...

    DH's gma has the skeevy neighbor  who had quad bypass and is out of commission. She has osteoporosis very bad and is in a lot of pain from the weight of spinal fusions and the hump in her back and it's crushing her organs. She couldn't do anything, so she had to move in with us. the deal was for 2 weeks. she didn't want to come. We got her to a pain clinic and got her pain under control and have had therapists come out and work with her. She has been released and by the therapists and stuff and she was actually cleared to travel to TX and flew to TX for a wedding last week. Now, she doesn't want to leave and I am about to. All she does is complain, whine and ***. We don't have a shower on the main level of the house. We just want our house back. Just a crappy situation...

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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  • I am really sorry you are going through this and I generally feel aweful for your situation.  I have to say, though, in this case, I don't really ''get" this plan with the skeevy neighor.  You've spent months (years?) trying to get him out of the picture.  Why are you willingly inviting him into your g'mas home again?
  • The only thing he can do now is just sit with her. His role has been diminished. DH is going to do all of the dr. appts from here on out and I will do all the grocery shopping and meal preps, and the health aides will do the personal care and laundry.

    She does miss him and considers him a friend, so we are okay with him sitting with her. We have the checkbook and the banking is on us now. 

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • Just to clear it up:

    Calvary = hill where Jesus was crucified

    cavalry = horse troops that come to the rescue

    Big Smile

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • Thanks Lari!
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • There's still a lot of burden on you and your DH with the appts, grocery, meals, banking, etc. I am glad to see you are having the health aide do care and laundry. That's a lifesaver.

    It will be so nice for you to have your house back. (((hugs)))

    I know this has been incredibly stressful for you and your family.

  • Aw, she's going to love being back home. It is just the change, she's probably a bit afraid of it right now. With a little extra attention at first she'll settle right back in and will be happy in no time.  I'm so glad all this is working out okay!
  • imageAnnapolisLari:

    Just to clear it up:

    Calvary = hill where Jesus was crucified

    cavalry = horse troops that come to the rescue

    Big Smile

    Haha, glad to know I'm not the only one who notices this kind of thing!

    Sorry I missed all of the original story, but glad that everything is working out, especially right around the holidays- It's always nice to see good things on here!

    Pregnancy Ticker Melanie Paige was born 7/7/10 @ 8:48 AM- 7 lbs 4 oz, 19 in! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lana Michelle was born 1/9/07 @ 9:40 AM- 6 lbs 14.5 oz, 19.5 in! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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