dc120807:Where and how? 38wk 1d. Feeling done. I have some swelling in my ankles that has been driving me crazy and have been having off and on cramping and back aches. Last night they were bad enough that I had to stop walking when I felt them, but they turned out to be nothing since I'm still here and not in the hospital.
This is purely anecdotal, because every labor is different...but this is how my labor started in the wee hours of Saturday morning (like 3am). It totally stopped, and then started again in full force about 12 hours later, and then Ella was born the next morning.
::fingers crossed::
Re: ::Deanne::
Ha! Don't get my hopes up!
I have been convinced for a long time that this baby was coming somewhere between the 10th and the 12th. I don't know why because I charted and know exactly when my due date is and I have had no other real signs of pending labor (i.e. MP, the "show", etc...)
I did feel like crap yesterday, starting in the afternoon and didn't stop until I went to bed. No appetite, nauseous, cramps, pain in my lower abdomen, back ache, etc....but this morning I'm feeling much better.
I'm not holding out too much hope but thanks for the encouragement!
The cruel joke of labor is that when you're 38+ weeks, your body is in some shape or form getting ready to get that baby out...so things like back aches, nauseated feelings, etc. are all part of it. But it could mean the baby is coming today, or could mean four weeks from now. It's such a tease, the whole thing.
Hang in there!