Ok, need your opinions. I swear I have felt this baby move since last Wednesday. I was 11ish weeks then. You can't feel a baby that early right? I was, however, extremely fit when I got KU so maybe I have been feeling it because of that?
But, when I was pg with dd I had a period. I got bfp on a Saturday, went to the Dr on Monday he said my HCG levels showed I was 7 weeks but I went to OB on that Thursday and I measured 8 weeks 6 days on the ultra sound. I expressed those concerns with the nurse when I went for my confirmation appt. After I felt this baby move I called to see what my HCG levels showed date wise and she said they didn't take them because I wasn't high risk?!
So, in your opinion or knowledge can you feel a baby move around this early? Maybe because it's my second and I know what the flutters feel like I'm just more tuned to it? Or am I more than likely further along?
Re: Am I further along than my date says?
I felt DS at 12 weeks, confirmed by my OB at my NT ultrasound.
Felt DD at 10.5 weeks. It's not surprising, since you know what you're looking for.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
They should be using the u/s date, no? you can't date by hcg. Not reliably, anyway AFAIK.
I am pregnant with #3 and have had flutters since 12 weeks or so. I convinced myself I was making it up though.