because I can't vent to them. ?Well, I *could*, but..
FIL is still having OD episodes, keeps falling, keeps missing payments on things like his COBRA. ?Informed us that he thinks he'll have to take out a loan to buy xmas presents and in the same breath? ?"I have $100 cash on me, let's go out for Chinese. ?Invite your mom, too" ?From the same man who leaves all the lights on, keeps his house at 73, refuses to pare down on cable... oh yeah and if he'd stop DRINKING...
My mother informed me that she thought it was ridiculous that we asked if she would be willing to watch Sam for the morning of DS's surgery and that she didn't have time to talk about it. ?Why? ?Because some teenage pupil of my BIL in another state was going to call her and ask her questions about hippie fashion in the 60s. ?Yes, one of us could go & one could stay with DD. ?Ideally, we'd both LIKE to be there for him and just effing thought we'd ask. ?But hey, if some stranger in another state is more important to you right now, focking great. ?She also told me I was wrong about how long DS would be in surgery. ?Really? ?REALLY? ?We have to be there 90min early for pre-op, have the surgery, go to recovery, and wait & see how he does. ?He's 2. ?I realize my sister was 6 and it took 3 hours total. ?24 years ago. ?But they are careful w/the babies, you snot. ?GRRRRRRR.
At this point I'd rather my hoarder freak of a MIL came over to watch Sam for a couple hours that day. ?She actually offered to do it. ?
Re: family vents
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
How is your FIL still living by himself? Did you guys go out for Chinese?
Sorry your mom sucks, but I'd go with your MIL. I hope B's surgery goes smoothly.