
One gay twin

So my friend, always jokes that Oliver is gay... I finally told her to knock it off anad was relaying this story to another friend that said she knows 8 sets of twins (adults) and in every set one is gay!

I was really suprised- just thought I would share!

Re: One gay twin

  • I don't know that many sets of adult twins, but I know a lot of gay men and none of them are twins.  

    And that is really weird that your friend says that Oliver is gay... I would also tell my friend to knock it off.  There is nothing wrong with one of your boys (or mine!) being gay, but it is up to them to tell us, not for our friends to do it while they're still infants!

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  • I know several other teachers will chime in but, I taught second and fourth grade for over a decade and you can tell early, early on.

    I'm not sure about the twin gay thing though.  lol-


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  • what kind of friend says that about someone's baby? ewe.

    My sister used to joke and call Grayson "Gay-son" -- only b/c Griffin said it that way for the first 6 months or so ... he couldn't say the "GR" sound back then.

    I used to yell at my sister - while i don't care if he IS gay - i certainly don't want the poor kid finding out his aunt called him that.... gay or not.

    The funny thing is that if either of them were ever going to be gay it WOULD be Grayson - he just does things really differently.... and his hair swirls the opposite direction- which some study that came out once said was more common in gay men - who knows, lol.   I honestly would not be upset at all if any of my boys were gay as long as they were happy with themselves and didn't get treated badly b/c of it.


  • imageGoldie_Locks_5:

    I honestly would not be upset at all if any of my boys were gay as long as they were happy with themselves and didn't get treated badly b/c of it.


    My thought exactly.  My best friends in my single Dallas days were gay.  

    I often comment that if Hudson were homosexual it wouldn't bother me.  My H gets really upset when I say it.  No man wants to think about his son being gay.  


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  • I don't see the humor or joke on a friend calling your son gay, and I have NEVER heard of any sets of twins, and one being gay. With that being said, In college I had to take numerous types of psychology and childhood psychology classes and Ougrad is completely right you can tell very very early on if they are or not. As earliest as few months old. I have nohing against gay people, they are the best of friends to have and I had a gay friend throughout HS it's just not cool to label a baby that.
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  • Maybe it's the name. We've always joked that our Oliver's the gay one too. :P

    (I wouldn't joke about it if I really cared if any of them were gay or not.)

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  • imagepea-kay:

    Maybe it's the name. We've always joked that our Oliver's the gay one too. :P

    (I wouldn't joke about it if I really cared if any of them were gay or not.)

    haha... is Oliver in the middle of your sig pic? he's the one I'd say was gay from that pic, lol.... just a dramatic look on his face :)

    I used to teach and there were some boys in kindergarten i knew for sure were gay.... i agree- you can know very early on. 

    I hope that as our kids grow up it's easier for gay children to be "out" at an earlier age and grow up confident with their differences.  I'm impressed that my high school has a club for gay and lesbian teens - that would not have been OK when i was in school just 20 years ago - it's great to see how far they have come.

  • I don't think being twins had anything to do with it, but my HS boyfriend was an ID twin and ended up being gay.
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  • I watched a National Geographic doc about identical twins in the summer. It discussed not so much the similarities between identicals but rather the differences and how those differences can be so much greater than we realize and so much greater than their similarities. One of the sets of identicals they showcased were ID men -- one straight and one gay. The whole show was pretty interesting. Sorry if that was a bit off track and sorry for my run-on sentences and crummy grammar. I'm a sleep deprived Momma of 2 month olds! :)
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  • gail - no, oliver's on the far right. linus is the rebellious kid in the middle.
    How to tell my boys apart

    The different types of twins and triplets
    Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
    My blog * We made the national news!
  • It all started as a joke because my friends daughter couldn't understand how I could be having two she would say- "one will pick out your dress, and the other will take you on the date"

    We would not have any issue if any of our kids were gay- I just wouldn't want that struggle for them.  I have had so many gay friends and they all have faced such adversity.  It's hard for me to imagine my child going through that.

    I'm pretty sure she picked Oliver becuase he's smaller, flirtier, smiles and sings non-stop.  Harrison is rough and grunts! lol

    PS- Goldie and Peakay you are hilarious...

  • imageougrad1:
     No man wants to think about his son being gay.  

    My husband and I have talked about it because my brother is gay.  I think it's very different to have a close family member who is gay, rather than a friend.  You get such a personal viewpoint of the emotions and reactions involved, by the people who have been closest to you for your entire life. (And yes, looking back at childhood with my brother, none of us were surprised when he "came out", we were all expecting it. I was the first family member he came out to, which added an element of trying to help him figure out how to tell our parents.)

    Anyway, my husband was one of the most supportive people when my brother came out, and he truly isn't freaked out by the possibility of either of our sons being gay : )

    ~Crystal~ SAHM to Sam (5), Hugh (3), Mary & Grace (22 months) : )
  • I don't understand how someone could claim to know a child under a year old was gay. They don't even have gender identity at that point.
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  • Funny that you mention it.  I went to HS with ID boys and one is gay.


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  • imageMamaCrystal:

     No man wants to think about his son being gay.  

    Anyway, my husband was one of the most supportive people when my brother came out, and he truly isn't freaked out by the possibility of either of our sons being gay : )

    I just want all three of my kids to be happy in their lives! DS and DDs.

     Our 16yo goes to theVisual and Performing Arts Academy for her school district (I used to be a sub there) and a good 40% of the student population is LGB, and only with maybe 10-20% of that group, is it just a "phase" (high school and college are for figuring yourself out, right?)

     One of the guys who saved my life in Iraq is gay (I was the medic, haha, and he told me in case something happened to him, so that his fiance wouldn't hear it on the news or anything like that....I'm glad he trusted me enough to tell me, as most male service members are scared to tell opposed to the females....they are easy to figure out....)

  • imageMamaCrystal:

     No man wants to think about his son being gay.  

    My husband and I have talked about it because my brother is gay.  I think it's very different to have a close family member who is gay, rather than a friend.  You get such a personal viewpoint of the emotions and reactions involved, by the people who have been closest to you for your entire life. (And yes, looking back at childhood with my brother, none of us were surprised when he "came out", we were all expecting it. I was the first family member he came out to, which added an element of trying to help him figure out how to tell our parents.)

    Anyway, my husband was one of the most supportive people when my brother came out, and he truly isn't freaked out by the possibility of either of our sons being gay : )

    I completely agree.  My sister is gay (as are two of my mom's sisters), and we've had many discussions about the possibility of our kids being gay.  It doesn't phase him in the slightest, son or daughter.

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  • I also went to HS with ID boys and one is gay
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  • It's so bad, but in my family we joke that one of my 6 year old twin cousins is gay.  He loves purses, shoes, to cook, draw, and asked my grandmother when he can paint his nails and wear makeup.  He is also very sensitive.  Don't know if it goes with the whole twin thing, but even my uncle feels it might be true... guess we'll see.
  • Peakay - I LOVE your siggy pic!  LOL too funny!


    I've never heard of someone calling a BABY gay!  I agree you can tell very EARLY on but a baby under a year old?  I think not!

     As for the whole twin thing?  I have B/G twin cousins and the boy is gay, but I'm sure that has NOTHING to do with being a twin and everything to do with coincisdence.

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  • I can't tell if this thread amuses me or bothers me? I asked my DH and he says that he could care less if one of the boys is gay, as long as he isn't a Steelers fan and doesn't bring any in the house.
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  • imageMoMandA:
    I can't tell if this thread amuses me or bothers me? I asked my DH and he says that he could care less if one of the boys is gay, as long as he isn't a Steelers fan and doesn't bring any in the house.

    I had to re-read this post because at first I thought you meant your boys couldn't be Steelers fans or bring any gay people in the house. Now I realize you mean no Steelers fans.  Phew!

  • imageblossomtg85:

    I can't tell if this thread amuses me or bothers me? I asked my DH and he says that he could care less if one of the boys is gay, as long as he isn't a Steelers fan and doesn't bring any in the house.

    I had to re-read this post because at first I thought you meant your boys couldn't be Steelers fans or bring any gay people in the house. Now I realize you mean no Steelers fans.  Phew!

    Ditto, lol!

    Luckily me and DW are both Patriot fans......our problem: Yankees and the Red Sucks.......

  • imageBec&Elly:

    I can't tell if this thread amuses me or bothers me? I asked my DH and he says that he could care less if one of the boys is gay, as long as he isn't a Steelers fan and doesn't bring any in the house.

    I had to re-read this post because at first I thought you meant your boys couldn't be Steelers fans or bring any gay people in the house. Now I realize you mean no Steelers fans.  Phew!

    Ditto, lol!

    Luckily me and DW are both Patriot fans......our problem: Yankees and the Red Sucks.......

     I just reread what I wrote. They cannot be Steelers fans or bring any Steelers fans in the house, regardless of sexual orientation.

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