if you have had a VBAC before

So I am pregnant with my second and I had an emergency C section with baby 1. I had a horrible time healing because I have a tendancy to bleed and I had internal bleeding that force my incision back open, which took 3 months to get to a place that they could close it for good....I was hoping I could do a VBAC, but My doctor wants me to schedule a C section this time. 

If you have had a VBAC do you think it is worth changing OBs for, or is it pretty likely that I will have to have another C section anyway?  Any thoughts or advise would be appreciated.


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Re: if you have had a VBAC before

  • IMO I think it is always a good idea to talk to a few different providers about VBAC.  It can be helpful to get different perspectives and ideas about how each provider approaches his/her VBAC clients. 

    Worst case scenario... you learn about different providers so you can have some back-ups in case your's decides to pull a "bait and switch". 

    Going by my very recent VBAC experience with hospital midwives, I can easily tell you that it was SO WORTH IT to interview and switch providers.

    ~Sweet Girl *8/18/08* c-section ~ Sweet Boy *12/2/10* VBAC ~ Sweet Boy *8/14/12* VBAC~ 


    VBAC Birth Story    2VBAC Birth Story  

  • I was with midwives with my first pregnancy that ended with an emergency c-section.  I also had some issues with my incision not healing properly (infection, etc).  The midwives couldn't take me as a VBAC but did refer me to another midwife that delivered at a different hospital.  I interviewed her and an OB/GYN.  I went with the midwife and do not regret it for a second.  She is AWESOME!  And I thank her for my successful and safe VBAC.

    I agree that you should interview a few providers.  The OB/GYN was really nice and up front that he supported VBACs but I was at the mercy of the opinion of whomever was on-call when I delivered.  He even suggested after listening to me that I was probably better suited with a midwife and he was right.

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  • It sounds like you really want to do VBAC (and with what happened with your incision the first time, I can understand why). Definitely check out providers, for the above reasons listed by PP.

    I made sure to go with a midwife group and hospital that had the best VBAC success rate in the city, so even though the midwife I saw at prenatals wasn't guaranteed to be there when I gave birth, I knew that I had the best chance of VBAC at the hospital I was going to. Good luck!

    DS1 - Feb 2008

    DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)

  • Okay, I haven't had a VBAC before so I shouldn't answer, but I'm going to anyways.

    My previous OB told me that I would have to have a c-section with my next birth. I wasn't happy with that answer, so I found a new dr. I'm not pregnant (or even TTC) but I had my first appt today with a new known to be VBAC friendly practice for my yearly exam and pap smear today. It was so nice to hear that I had options and that they would be supportive. So yes, in my opinion, it is definitely worth checking out some others doctors. You are still early enough that switching practices wouldn't be a big deal. If you want to try for a VBAC, you owe it to yourself to find a practice that will support you.

    Matilda 6/19/09
    Graham 10/25/13
  • My VBAC was worth changing OBs for... twice. My first new OB didn't work out (for non vbac related reasons). My 2nd new OB, who I saw for the 1st time around 24 weeks, was really good. I highly recommend NOT feeling any sort of loyalty to your OB.

    There's absolutely no harm in getting a 2nd or 3rd opinion. I would find out who is vbac-friendly in your area before picking who to get those 2nd opinions from, contact your local ICAN chapter if you have one.


    - Jena
  • Like pp - I'd find a known VBAC friendly/open doctor and get their opinion.  To be honest, with your issues with bleeding, I'd almost wonder if the VBAC wouldn't be safer for you since ideally it won't involve any cutting.  I obviously have no idea if that's true, but I'd definitely get someone's opinion who you know isn't generally anti-VBAC.
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  • my VBAC was totally worth changing providers for.  My old OB isn't supprotive of VBAC and I am so glad that I switched to a midwife who is.

    My c/s recovery was really bad too and I got up and walked to the bathroom myself shortly after my placenta delievered after my VBAC. 

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  • I should say that after all the emotions of the c/s, it was a relief to switch providers, regardless of how the VBAC comes out.  It was difficult for me to really trust my old OB, even though I can't say she did anything of gross negligence - just too many what ifs with the delivery and her.
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  • The thing about doctors who don't support VBAC is that they will always tell you that it's not safe, or that you aren't a good candidate, or that you will probably just end up with a c/s anyway.

    So I would find a doctor or midwife in your area that has a good reputation for VBAC and get a second opinion.  That way you will at least have looked into your options and if you still decide that a c/s is best, you will have done it knowing for sure it's the right choice for you.

    The OB who delivered my daughter was very discouraging when I asked about VBAC and pretty much told me not to even bother trying.  I got second, third, fourth opinions from a few different providers who were all very encouraging and said I would be a good candidate.  My new OB is very optimistic about me having a VBAC, so we'll see what happens!  Even if I end up with a repeat, I feel good knowing that I looked into all my options instead of being pushed into a c/s by a negative doctor. 


    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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