Indiana Babies

Totally NBR clicky poll

I am totally overthinking this.

I bought Chris a kegerator for his birthday last month. I am ordering a custom keg tap for him for Christmas. Part of the logo on the tap says "Est. XXXX" (established in whatever year). Above that will probably read "Eskew's", which is his last name, possessive. I didn't change my name legally for career purposes, but socially we consider ourselves "the Eskews". The kegerator sits in our newly finished basement, in the bar by the theatre he has dreamed of forever. While of course I also enjoy the bar and the theatre, we joke that it's his "man cave" since it's really his baby. My question is about how the name/date on the handle should read...



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Re: Totally NBR clicky poll

  • I'd just put Eskew and the year.  Even if you make it plural, you don't need the apostrophe.

    Totally random, but is he related to the Dr. Phillip Eskew who is/was an IU trustee?  He delivered me.

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  • I thought "Eskew's 2010" since it is for Chris' mancave. The "Eskew's" evokes the feel of a pub or hangout for me and since the keg is going down in his mancave, 2010 makes sense since that is the year the mancave was established. Just my thoughts.
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  • Great idea!
  • imagejac*n*abe:
    I thought "Eskew's 2010" since it is for Chris' mancave. The "Eskew's" evokes the feel of a pub or hangout for me and since the keg is going down in his mancave, 2010 makes sense since that is the year the mancave was established. Just my thoughts.

    This was exactly my thinking as well.

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