I have my top 5 narrowed down for each sex. My hubby and I agree on a few of them but i wanted to get some opinions on them. The girl MN will most likely be Shaye, other possibility would be Marie, boy MN will either be Christopher or John. Feel free to put whatever names together.
1) Braelyn/ Braylen
2) Teegan/ Tegan (not sure what spelling i like better)
3) Kaylen
4) Eden
5) Hayden
1) Brayden
2) Asher
3) Hayden
4) Kason
5) Kael/ Cade
Thanks so much!
Re: opinions on my top 5
1) Braelyn/ Braylen too boyish/made-up
2) Teegan/ Tegan (not sure what spelling i like better) too boyish
3) Kaylen made-up
4) Eden the only halfway decent one on your list
5) Hayden boy name
1) Brayden overused
2) Asher the only halfway decent one
3) Hayden overused
4) Kason made-up
5) Kael/ Cade just...ugh
Definitely Eden or Asher.
Eden is my favorite of your girl names. I know a little Eden who goes by Edie. The others are nms at all. A lot of Y's.
Of your boy names, Asher and Hayden are the best in my opinion.
1) Braelyn/ Braylen NMS
2) Teegan/ Tegan (not sure what spelling i like better) NMS
3) Kaylen NMS
4) Eden Best of the 5
5) Hayden least like - have known people with this as a last name.
1) Brayden NMS - way trendy right now (I know 3)
2) Asher Best of the 5
3) Hayden NMS
4) Kason NMS
5) Kael/ Cade Not a fan at all
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
I like Eden and Asher.
{planning bio} {married bio} {baby blog}
1) Braelyn/ Braylen : Please don't
2) Teegan/ Tegan (not sure what spelling i like better): Cute, but Tegan
3) Kaylen: Over used
4) Eden: LOVE
5) Hayden: Over used
1) Brayden: Over used
2) Asher : Please don't.
3) Hayden: Over used
4) Kason: Not bad
5) Kael/ Cade: Not bad
This!! I actually shivered reading that list. Asher and Eden by default.
Love Eden. Asher is cute.
Braylen, Hayden, Teegan, Kaylen, Brayden, and Kason are just awful. Ugh.
haha awesome. For what its worth, my Asher is a very happy smiley baby!
I have a niece named Teagan. I like this spelling. It took awhile to grow on me, but she wears it really well. Teague was our maiden name so that is how my sister chose it. I don't like the other spellings.
Eden is ok, but always makes me think of "the garden of Eden".
I like Hayden better for a boy name, but I am so over all of the aiden spin off names. I have a five year old nephew named Hayden and I loved his name at first, but now I sort of cringe because it has become so unisex and overused.
I agree with others that Asher is the best of the boy list.
Well, I think everyone else about covered it.
You can drop everything except Eden and Asher. Easy fix.
1) Braelyn/ Braylen - NMS sounds made up and I know two boys named this
2) Teegan/ Tegan (not sure what spelling i like better) - eh it's ok
3) Kaylen - NMS I like this spelling - Kaylan
4) Eden - Eden Shea is cute
5) Hayden - Hayden Marie is pretty
1) Brayden - no!
2) Asher - this is cute but I don't like it with Christopher or John
3) Hayden - I don't like that you have this as an option for a girl and boy, but I like it for a boy better
4) Kason - sounds totally made up
5) Kael/ Cade - I like Cale
I don't think anyone is "going with the flow" they are simply stating their opinions which is what op asked for. If people don't want honesty they shouldn't post here (why is this so hard to understand?) lol...
If you think these are the best names you've seen on this board...yikes. I'll refrain from commenting further but I just know some of the regs know what I'm thinking.
OP- all the names are awful/overdone/super trendy/childish or scream teen mom EXCEPT Eden & Asher. Those are quiet lovely!
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014
~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~
Out of your girl names, the only one I like is Eden.
I would have to say that none of the boy names are my style, though I prefer Asher out of all of them.
Thank you! I was kinda thinking the same thing, although it is true that i did ask for opinions and i did expect these answers. However to Manderlin923 I do not appreciate you assuming that i am a teen mom. I am not a teen, I am 24 and I am married, this is my first child, and these are a couple of the names my husband and i agree on. I like trendy names always have probably always will and I know that a lot of people don't. Thats fine and its your opinions, I'm not whining I'm just saying don't judge the kind of person I am over a few names.
Thank you to those of you who like my names and thanks to those of you who left your honest opinions.
Whoa, settle down there. When did I say you were a teen mom? I said they sounded teen mom-ish. As in they remind me of the type of names someone on the show might pick. Never once did I say I thought you were a teen mom.
That's fine if you like trendy or made-up names. A lot of people on this board don't. You wanted opinions and got lots of them. You have to weigh what's most important to you and go with that.
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014
~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~
Whoa, settle down there. When did I say you were a teen mom? I said they sounded teen mom-ish. As in they remind me of the type of names someone on the show might pick. Never once did I say I thought you were a teen mom.
That's fine if you like trendy or made-up names. A lot of people on this board don't. You wanted opinions and got lots of them. You have to weigh what's most important to you and go with that.
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014
~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~
1) Braelyn/ Braylen
2) Teagan
1) Brayden
Why do 8 of them end in "N"?
I love: Eden Shaye, Eden Marie and Hayden John
I hate: Braelyn/ Braylen, Kaylen, Hayden for a girl, Brayden, Kason and Kael
Good Luck!
Michekke this was supposed to be added to your reply too sorry again new to this thanks for defending me!
CLICK for blog
pretty much this.
This. Exactly.
....congratulations? Why are you yelling?
"For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me the petition which I asked of him." 1 Samuel 1:27
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
It's board not bored.
See spelling is important!
I am laughing at the poster who said these were the best names she has seen on here yet. I am totally not surprised there is a baby-gaga ticker on there.
Honestly you need to back away from the -len and -den endings. Yuck. Eden is pretty much the only name I would consider from these.
I'll refrain from commenting on the others.
I take it you like the emoticon function, yes?