

We bought the exact same christmas outfits for our girls, right down to the snowflake ruffle butt tights!!!
Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Re: ***MamaCrystal***

  • Haha!  I totally fell in love when I saw them!!

    Their sizing system threw me off though!  I thought there was no way our girls would fit into the 5-12 month size because they're wearing 18-month clothes in everything else.  I ordered the 10-24 month size and they're too big!  Oh well.

    ~Crystal~ SAHM to Sam (5), Hugh (3), Mary & Grace (22 months) : )
  • I know...I took my girls to the store because I was unsure and the sales ladies had a BLAST trying them on B! 

    My husband wanted to kill me when I told him how much the dresses were going to be.  He said it was fine as long as I didn't get the tights.........yeah right!  The second I walked into the store I knew I was leaving with those tights!  I came home and he loved them so much that he was glad I got them.  Suckers.  Both of us.

    Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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