I am interested in CDing but, I'm a little confused when it comes to AIO's, Pockets, Cover-ups. How many you need. Basically the whole Sha bang-a-bang!
Are there any websites or books that would make this alot easier to understand and get familiar with before LO comes?
Re: CD info website??
This site has a ton of good information.
Wedding/Honeymoon Pictures </a>
I found this website here. She's a bumpy too. It was extensive and easy to understand.
She also has videos and pics too!
BFP#1 "Watermelon" born 3/2011
BFP#2 "Pumpkin" 7/14/12 ~ EDD 3/23/13 ~ Natural M/C 8/3/12 @ 7 weeks
BFP#3 "Pineapple" born 4/2013
BFP#4 "Grapefruit" EDD 3/29/16