Indiana Babies

Daycare - Teacher Gifts

So, we got a letter from Paige's daycare the other day...

It told us that instead of buying individual gifts for teachers, they ask that you give a monetary gift to the director for her to distribute evenly to all teachers. 

It seems a little messed up to me. I love Paige's teachers, but I certainly don't like all of the staff there. There's one teacher, I think she's in the 3 or 4's room, who is old and cranky with the kids (especially the older ones). I mean, Paige likes her, but I don't (they interact with each other in the gym at the end of the day - sometimes she's the last teacher there). I'd never consider buying her a gift, so I hate that my money is going to collectively go towards people like her, and some people that I don't even know.

I mean, I guess it's fair, but it doesn't really reward the good teachers, or make me feel like I'm doing something nice and showing my thanks for Paige's teachers.

So, I was thinking about throwing in $10 for the collective gift, and then making some cookies and banana bread for all of the teachers, plus extra for Paige's teachers.


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Re: Daycare - Teacher Gifts

  • Sounds good to me!!!! 
  •  I think that the baked goods are a nice way to do something special for her teachers.  I think a handwritten, genuine note to her teachers (or maybe some original "artwork" done by Paige for them) would also be a nice way of conveying to them how much you appreciate what they do. 

    It's tough, because I would almost want to write something that acknowledges that you also gave to the collective fund but wanted to do something extra for them too so that they would know the depth of your sentiment, but I know that would be tacky.

    So I guess I'm saying that I think your idea is a tasteful way of acknowledging your appreciation specifically for them.

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  • O's daycare does something similar for Thanksgiving and presents it at the Thanksgiving feast.  On one hand I like it because the amounts tend to be more for her teachers since there are so many kids in the other rooms.  I don't like it because obviously I prefer her teachers and I'm not 100% sure how the student aides are compensated and I *love* our student aide.

    With that said, we gave $$ to the group fund and I plan to make tubs of homemade caramel corn for Olivia's teachers.  

  • That is weird!
  • I think that sounds like a good idea.  I could understand collecting from all the parents of kids in the same room to give a bigger gift equally to all the teachers in the room, but to distribute it all evenly among all the teachers kinda seems strange.

    I couldn't ever see that happening at school...haha!

    I think your idea sounds great, because it's not really the money that counts but the thought behind the gift.

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