Indiana Babies

BF experts/veterans.

Lauren has been BF just fine, albeit slow for 5 weeks now.  Since yesterday though, she screams when I put her on her side prior to getting to try to latch.  Yesterday it was just with one side.  Today it seems like both of them.  I'm pumping now and going to give her bottle.  I'm thinking it may be an ear infection or because she is congested?  What do you think?

Re: BF experts/veterans.

  • I never had issues with ear infections or congestion (since DH was a SAHD, she was never sick), but she did, every once in a while, fight being on one side versus the other.

    Every couple of months, I had to revert to a football hold on one side for a week or so (so she'd always be on either her right side or left side - whichever she wasn't fighting - while eating). No idea why, but it totally worked for us. After a week of doing it, we went back to the normal way, and she was fine.

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  • Nick went through a couple of phases like this too, where he'd cry when I tried to nurse.  I took him to the pedi, convinced he had reflux or an ear infection.  It turned out to just be a phase for us and only lasted a couple of days.  But might be worth a trip, just to make sure.  A different hold is a good idea too!
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  • I had the same thing happen when Sam was around 5-6 weeks. I thought I was going to have to quit BFing because he would just scream at me.  I pumped and gave him bottles, but it ended up just being a phase that lasted 2-3 days.  Good luck!!
  • Goodness I can't wait to buy a pump for the next baby, I forget moments like that where it was torture nursing... 

    I would get her ears checked because for me everytime that happened it seemed Rowan actually had an ear infection. That was the first sign I could tell (and still is) that he had one. Good luck! 

  • Based on what kelli has told me before, I'd guess an ear inf! :/
  • When Maya would fight nursing on one side, I did side-lying nursing and that always worked for us.  We could never get that dang football hold down...
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