North Dakota Babies

Toughts, Prayers and Vibes needed (long)

Last week on Monday I had my bloodwork after Clomid. Fast Forward to last Friday. I get weird cramps, but no period, so I take a test and there it is two pink lines! A couple hours later the doctor call me and she asked me how was I doing and I tell her that good because I seem to be pregnant again. She sounded like she didn't believe it and was concern, so I ask what my results where and she said my progesterone was a little low. So she sends me for bloodwork on Monday to confirm pregnancy and to get my progesterone levels. This is the reason why I didn't go to the NYC GTG...since my progesterone was low and I was having cramps, I didn't want to go and have a miscarriage and ruin everyone's good I didn't want to be away from home, just in case.

After that I was feeling pretty normal, but very cautious and trying not to get too excited. I've been peeing on sticks like crazy and they keep getting darker.

But today...the dreaded "pink spot in the tissue" happened..I started bleeding a little bit. I called the doctor and I'm waiting for a call back from the Triage Nurses and my doctor with the results. Also I just took yet another pregnancy test was still darker which is different than last time, but I'm still loosing hope that this will be the baby we get to keep. I'm pretty heartbroken right now.

So please send those thought, prayers and vibes if you can spare some.

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