My DD has had an on and off cold since school started. She had the stomach crud right before Thanksgiving. Now, she's feeling sick again and has a fever along with a cough and runny nose. Poor little critter.
We don't go to the doctor for every sniffle and sneeze, but I'm starting to wonder if she needs to be seen. What constitutes a visit to the doctor for your kids?
Re: At what point do you take DC to the doctor?
I trust my instincts on it. If you feel like she needs to go, take her in. Usually I wait until I suspect a secondary infection that would need antibiotics or if they just don't seem to be getting better.
Hope she's feeling better soon!
Same. I'm not a 'go to the doctor' person at all, but when my gut tells me something is off, I will call the office and talk to the nurse at least.