Cloth Diapering

RP: Thirsties duo diapers for sale!

Posting this here one more time before putting it up on spot's!  If you want to split them or don't like my price MMARO :)

6 VVVGUC Thirsties Duo diapers size 1 - $65ppd
(2 mango, 3 meadow, 1 ocean)
These are the pocket diapers, not the covers!  They each include a MF/hemp combo insert.
No stains, velcro is in great condition, just some pilling on a couple of the gussets like thirsties tend to do.  Shells were all line dried.


Had these up for sale awhile back, then decided to hoard them in case we have another since we loved them, but they are just taking up valuable room in LO's closet now and I could use the PP to fund a newfound woven habit!  Stick out tongue

PM if interested!
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