Nora and Charlotte sound REALLY good together! They are both kind of Irish names too which I love, but I don't know if that's what you were going for.
Married 5/31/08 * TTC#1 9/09 - 2/11 after anovulatory diagnosis and TTC for 1 1/2yrs with several medicated cycles and one chemical pregnancy, we have our first bundle of joy!
#2 EDD 2/5/13 dx with anti-BIG E antibody, seeing a MFM
I don't take one single minute for granted.
ETA: I just looked it up on The girl's name Nixieis of Old German origin, and the meaning of Nixie is "water sprite". Usuallybeautiful, and unlike pixies, nixies are belligerent toward men.
Re: Twin girl's names
Nora, Charlotte and Miles is a great sib set to me
Nora Lorelei and Charlotte Elise would be my pick
after anovulatory diagnosis and TTC for 1 1/2yrs with several medicated cycles and one chemical pregnancy, we have our first bundle of joy!
#2 EDD 2/5/13 dx with anti-BIG E antibody, seeing a MFM
I don't take one single minute for granted.
My faves are Nora and Elise.
Nixie???? WTH?
I like Nora and Charlotte.
Love Nora (although I like it with an "H"=Norah) and Charlotte
Nixie=totally threw me off there-sounds like a nn
Lorelei=never liked this name
Nia=pretty! But I think only Stella would go with it. Otherwise you need another different name with it.
Elise=NMS I prefer Elsie or Elsa
Love, love, love - Nora, Stella
Like - Charlotte, Elise
Meh - Lorelei, Nia
Whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis? - Nixie
ETA: I just looked it up on The girl's name Nixie is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Nixie is "water sprite". Usuallybeautiful, and unlike pixies, nixies are belligerent toward men.
That last part is awesome.
bfp 1 - m/c 1.31.11 @ 10 weeks
bfp 2 - baby born via c-section on 5.4.12 @ 37 weeks
bfp 3 - blighted ovum/d&c on 4.13.13 @ 8 weeks
bfp 4 - 3rd IUI, very late BFN with super low P, c/p
bfp 5 - natural bfp while on lupron, baby born via RCS on 4.27.15 @ 39 weeks
bfp 6 - surprise! baby born via RCS on 11.13.16 @ 38 weeks
I'm really loving Nora and Charlotte paired with Miles : )
I'm not sure I love the others as first names, but they would all make wonderful middle names.
Lorelei is also a pretty name. Same with Stella.
Married since 06/19/2004|Anna born 11/19/2006|Charles born 11/1/11
Double undergrad graduation May 2011| Me: Psychology, DH: Communication| A long journey!
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I agree!