2nd Trimester

I trust sonogram tech, but I trust you girls more-ish?(Clicky Poll)


Re: I trust sonogram tech, but I trust you girls more-ish?(Clicky Poll)

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    I've had 7 Sonograms so far in this pregnancy.  I am in complete awe of the skill of the Sonographers I've seen.  Their ability to see what's going on in there is just amazing.  No one with half a brain could possibly believe that without any training, you could look at a picture and say ANYTHING constructive. It's ridiculous.


    I get that a sonographer is going to be very skilled and trained at what they are looking at. I have mad respect for jmcdow and others in her line of work.  However, some of us have had babies before. While that doesn't make me an expert, I certainly feel like I can at least give my opinion (from my experience) on what I think the picture looks like. I can for sure say that IMO, that doesn't look a thing like any boy u/s I've ever seen.

    I'm a CPA. I don't get my panties in a wad when someone comes on here giving advice for a question that "only a trained CPA must know the answer to."  People have past experiences and learn from those.  Just because they aren't trained, doesn't mean they are all clueless idiots.  Personally,  I don't see any reason why giving an OPINION on the matter is a big deal. 

    Do I think her OP is worded douche-ely? Yep. I also think the OP is kind of a douche in general, but that's a whole different topic. lol


    What was I thinking??? You've had a baby before??? How about I just have you deliver my baby?? Or better yet come on over and keep an eye on my twice a month sonograms.  That would save my insurance company a lot of money, you are obviously experienced enough to do it. 

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    I've had 7 Sonograms so far in this pregnancy.  I am in complete awe of the skill of the Sonographers I've seen.  Their ability to see what's going on in there is just amazing.  No one with half a brain could possibly believe that without any training, you could look at a picture and say ANYTHING constructive. It's ridiculous.


    I get that a sonographer is going to be very skilled and trained at what they are looking at. I have mad respect for jmcdow and others in her line of work.  However, some of us have had babies before. While that doesn't make me an expert, I certainly feel like I can at least give my opinion (from my experience) on what I think the picture looks like. I can for sure say that IMO, that doesn't look a thing like any boy u/s I've ever seen.

    I'm a CPA. I don't get my panties in a wad when someone comes on here giving advice for a question that "only a trained CPA must know the answer to."  People have past experiences and learn from those.  Just because they aren't trained, doesn't mean they are all clueless idiots.  Personally,  I don't see any reason why giving an OPINION on the matter is a big deal. 

    Do I think her OP is worded douche-ely? Yep. I also think the OP is kind of a douche in general, but that's a whole different topic. lol


    What was I thinking??? You've had a baby before??? How about I just have you deliver my baby?? Or better yet come on over and keep an eye on my twice a month sonograms.  That would save my insurance company a lot of money, you are obviously experienced enough to do it. 

    Oh JFC. This is just stupid. 

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     Not really post-related but...

    I think any u/s techs who want to see something REALLY ridiculous (way more ridiculous than this post) needs to visit the Ingender Ultrasound Prediction Gallery. 



    Nothing like a bunch of women who are dying for a boy or girl posting their ultrasound pics from 10-11-12 weeks to get a sex prediction that they will live/die by until the baby is born.  

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    I wasn't being snarky! I made a promise to only say nice things this week!

    It was more tongue in cheek than anything else.


    Are you sure you didn't miss and slip that tongue up your rectum?

    see? Now you've gone and lost all credibility.

    I realize we all have hot button issues and this is yours, but honestly you are all worked up over nothing. She wasn't criticizing you. She wasn't even criticizing her sonographer. She just wanted to show off her AW and get some opinions; nothing more, nothing less.


    Who's all worked up here?  I laughed while I posted that... so sorry I didn't get the memo that said only you can be humorous.  

    Opinions are saying "I think it looks like ..."  Saying "Oh it's definitely..." is not an opinion.  In medicine it is called a diagnosis, which only an MD is allowed to do.  I haven't seen MD behind any of your names... 

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    On a serious note, I completely understand people's curiosity and desire for other's opinions.  It's not that as a general rule that is upsetting.  It the comments that are directed, as the title of this post...  why why why would anyone trust internet strangers MORE or MORE-ISH than someone trained?  I just don't get it.  It's idiotic and totally flame worthy. 

    I have had people send me pictures on here for my opinion through PM... I have never once said "It's definitely this or that!"  Why don't I say that, because I know better.  It's very upsetting to me to see people think that they can say definitely one way or another so quickly when they just don't get it.  There is much more to ultrasound than any of you think.  Yes some people are better at recognizing genitals because they have had multiple pregnancy and/or ultrasounds, but to be so confident, when they make us work for a year for free and prove our abilities to other sonographers, doctors and our instructors before we can even graduate, is being extremely naive.  

    Now to the CPA, I would never pretend to know what your job entails.  Patient experience is much different than being the one performing the ultrasound.  How this would relate to what you do, I couldn't even guess, but I would venture to bet that if people were giving false or misleading information, you would speak up, as I have time and time again.  Yes it gets me a little hot, but I don't get my panties in a bunch.  I do feel I have a right to my opinion on the matter, just as everyone else, and I also feel that if someone is going to be snarky to me I have full right to dish it back.  


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    I will have you know I find your "trust" comment completely insulting.  I have been a Sonographer for 6 years now.  Do you realize how difficult ultrasound school is?  Minimum grade to PASS ultrasound school is 80% and we have to do a YEAR internship (work for 40 hours a week without getting paid)  before we can even graduate!  I am not saying we are all perfect by any means, but we are TRAINED to know what we are looking at.  We are TRAINED to know and identify normal and abnormal anatomy.   There is no other position in the medical field out there today that basically has to diagnose what they are looking at.  We are as close to a physician assistant as you can get.  We CAN get sued just as easily as a Doctor. 

    I have always commented that I would answer any questions about ultrasound I could on this website, but I am getting really fed up with comments like this... Sonographer's get pregnant too, maybe some of you should think about that before you post sh!t like this.

    You and your husband are idiots if you trust non professionals on the internet over a Sonographer.

     ^ I agree.

    Not really sure why one would need reassurance from a bunch of people on the internet for something medical. I think a trained professional giving you their results would be enough for you. If not, simply ask at future u/s to make sure nothing has changed. I couldn't get good enough angles at my first anatomy scan and when I went back next I asked again. My u/s tech has been very kind and checked every appointment since then just to give me the reassurance I need. I don't need to ask a bunch of people who take guesses without knowing what they're talking about for sure. To me that isn't reassuring at all. To each their own I suppose.

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