

1. Ok ladies, can anyone suggest or give any insight that might be helpful for nightimes. Our girls have to eat at 930, 130 and 530 through the night- per the doctor until they are bigger. See siggy to see how small they were. They are about 7 lbs now. After they eat at 130 and 530 they go back to sleep just fine, but the intial put to bed after they eat at 930 is horrible. We have done lotions, we have swaddleme blankets, we have crib soothers (which they do seem to love) but they are crying within 30 minutes or so and it goes on and on. and it's not hunger b/c we have tried. How can we make this bedtime easier and get them to sleep  better?

2. congestion is killing us. we have tried saline drops, we syrengie all the time, we have a purifier, we are keep our heat on 69.. what else can we do. one of our girls is soo bad congested it evens sounds as if shes hoarse and its making her miserable.


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Re: HELP!!

  • 1. Is 9:30pm their bedtime? Or just the first time they wake to eat after bedtime? If it's their bedtime, you might want to try and put them down earlier, our LOs sleep better that way.

    2. DD had really bad congestion from reflux and the only thing that helped was elevating the head of her crib. Have them checked for reflux? 

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  • So preheatedoven- they also eat at 630 at night, you think we should put them in their bed after that feeding and maybe when they get up at 930 they will just eat and go right back down? .is that what your saying? .i hadn't thought about that.

    they are both on zantac for spitting up and it seems to be better

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    So preheatedoven- they also eat at 630 at night, you think we should put them in their bed after that feeding and maybe when they get up at 930 they will just eat and go right back down? .is that what your saying? .i hadn't thought about that.

    they are both on zantac for spitting up and it seems to be better

    Yup, try putting them down after 6:30pm. That's actually when our LOs go to bed now! We were putting them down after their later feeding and around the age yours are now we started pushing it earlier. They actually seemed to sleep better. GL! 

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  • Ours also go to bed around 630.
  • I agree about putting them to bed earlier. Our babies go to bed about 6:30 and do much better that way. If we try to keep them up later it is a disaster for everyone. 

    As far as congestion. Have you tried running the shower and letting them sit in the bathroom with the steam? With DD we always did saline drops, humidifier, letting her sit in the bathroom in the steam for a few minutes, and sucking as much as we could out with the bulb syringe. Congestion sucks.

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  • Butting in.. Man, I wish mine would go to bed at 6:30!! They are usually up until 9-930! I have tried getting them down earlier.. but then they are awake all.through.the.night! If I put them to bed at 930 they usually sleep til 5-6am
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  • 1. i think at that age mine were going to bed after the 12:30, waking at 5ish to eat again, back to sleep until 8ish, eating again and then back to sleep until about 10-11ish. i am a SAHM so that worked out just fine for me. slowly they started moving up their bed time as they started sleeping longer and now they go to bed at the reasonable hour of 7:30. its hard to say because our babies are all different and we all have different schedule needs. you just need to find what works best for you/ them.  GL!
  • Great question! Mine aren't that old yet but do the same thing at 9:30. Not much we can do I guess though because they sleep all day for the most part still so I can't really put them to bed sooner.

     We had the congestion too and just kept using saline and the bulb. We weren't being very aggressive with it but the nurse showed us how to do it so we really cleared him out. The bed raised helps a lot too.

  • For the congestion here are a couple things we do:

    - If it is really bad, we let them sleep in their bouncers

    - I bought a nosefrida off of amazon and it works much better than the bulb at suctioning out snot.  Its gross, but it works.

    - I bought a waterless vaporizer with pediatric inserts.  It makes the room smell like vicks vapor rub.  Not sure if it works, but it makes me feel like I'm doing something.  I got it at CVS.  


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  • I put mine down after the 7pm feeding and they don't have much problem falling back asleep after the 10pm feeding so I would say definitely try that.

    We have terrible congestion also.  I hate it.  We are just taking them into the steamy bathroom and using the bug sucker.

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