...what would you get? I got $10 today with my diaper junction BF order, and it expires on Dec. 17th. I'm trying to decide if it's worth it to get anything or not, since I don't think there's anything I really NEED at the moment. If you had $10 to spend, what would you get?
Re: If you had $10 stash cash...
Is there anything you don't have enough of like hemp inserts, wipes, wipe solution, or diaper cream? You could get a back up container of diaper cream for when you eventually run out of whatever you have.
If not, I'd go with a diaper you don't have so you can try something new.
I just got 24 cloth wipes as part of the order, and I bought some wipe solution this weekend. I could try some hemp inserts...what brand do you like? Also, I haven't needed diaper cream yet since we started with CDs... *knocks on wood*...but I suppose I could get some if there's a good chance I'll need it in the future. What brand do you recommend? I do have some CA baby calendula cream that's worked well in the past...do you know if that's safe with cloth?
Hmm I'm not sure if the calendula cream is CD safe but if you used fleece liners to protect your dipes it should be fine. I love the CD Baby calendula cream! DD has sensitive skin and it always helps calm any redness she gets. It also did wonders on her baby acne when she had it.
I just looked on their website. They have Grandma Els which is CD safe but its best as a barrier cream/ preventative. They have the Grovia Magic Stick. I haven't tried it but I've heard good things.
I would get some hemp inserts.
You can always use cut up fleece with your cream. I like Hemp Babies but I'm not sure they have the inserts there. I could only find the flats.
I really like these: https://www.diaperjunction.com/knickernappies-stay-dry-diaper-doubler.html I use them in our night diapers.
Great, thanks for the tips! I'll check those out after work today