My skin broke into stretch marks last week and since then I've developed PUPPPS, to top it all off I'm measuring 40+ weeks now. I'm so excited about the babies, but I feel pretty grody.
I'm hoping that my stomach doesn't look too bad postpartum, but I'm not holding my breath.
I know I'm so blessed to be their mommy, but I'm sad about what I'm going to look like after this is all done. We want to try for baby #3 in a few years so I will have to just work with what I have until we're done having kids.
My question is how did you feel about yourself after you delivered? Was it easier to get over the initial hump and accept your new shape than I'm thinking it will be?
Re: how did you feel about your body post-babies?
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
I just kept telling myself that I looked terrific, though of course my belly was still huge after I delivered. I felt so proud to have given birth to two healthy babies that I didn't really care. My stomach took about 8mths to really go down. I am at my Pre-preg weight now, but my stomach is still distended and loose. I have done zero to try to get it toned again though. I am very tiny in general, and figure in time I will work on those abs again but for now, loose shirts & layers are key! Accentuate the parts you still feel good about - neck, shoulders etc...
I totally accept my new shape and just feel like in time I will be able to work on getting the tummy thing under control too....
Good luck.
edit - oh yes, the post-BFing boob thing was the only real shocker, thank goodness for push up bras! LOL
there have been been ups and downs. i weigh about what i did pre-preg but it sure doesnt look the same. my stretched out stomach will never be what it was. no matter how much i tone i cant get rid of the extra skin. when i stopped pumping i was super depressed about what my boobs looked like, but they have recovered quiet a bit and just about look like what they used to (they were never much to begin with though). i now am more aware of what Victoria's Secret is though
i think my feelings about my post baby body are the same as how i feel about aging in general. every smile line, stretch mark, saggy skin patch, c sect scar, etc is worth it but i am a little sad that it just aint what it used to be.
3 weeks out... I am below pre=pregnacy weight. I think it was because I was sooo sick. Even though I had the girls so early I swelled up right before the end because of fluid issues so I was almost full term size for a singleton. I fit into pre-preg jeans last night but my belly is mis-shappen because of my c-section scar. (I am hoping the scar is just healing still). It is sad that I am going to have to give up my low rise jeans but I think it is worth it for my sweet little angels!
I'm actually pretty pleased with my post-baby body. I'm not as strong as I'd like, but I'd wear a bikini right now if it wasn't 13 degrees here and I had some place to go. (Well, I'd have to get a spray tan first. Hello, pale-ville!)
I've always been naturally athletic and thin, so I know most of it was routine and genetics.
This. But, we're obviously not at 16 months yet. I'm still up 5 lbs, but they don't bother me. I'm able to wear my old clothes and am fitting into things that I never thought I'd see again. Id say I"m pretty happy. But, this didn't come easily. I make the time to work out nearly every day. I don't diet, but I do eat healthily.
This but only 9 months out... I don't really care that I haven't gone back to how I was until I have to get ready for something nice and have nothing to wear that doesn't make me look like I am a couple months a long with another baby.
For the first 4 months I didn't care. Then things started to look better (less swollen). After that I had bad days and good days. My loose skin is really the worst part.
When I was 11 months pp a woman at my gym, who was looking at me with my shirt off, said to me, "you are so brave, I would kill myself if that happened to my body." That was probably the worst moment.
Looking at my big healthy boys really does help. I used to think that people were completely nuts when they said things like that. But when you really think about it, what you are doing is so amazing. It is a miracle and a gift. And I will happily trade my formerly perfect body for them every day.
I'm barely 6 wks post partum, but am actually very surprised at my body, and granted. I may be the minority, but sure didn't expect it. Up through end of 2nd tri/beginning 3rd tri, I had a pretty small belly... def didn't look like twins. But at the end of the pg, OMG I grew and swelled up immensely (very scary looking). By the end, I had gained closed to 60lbs. I even swelled up more after giving birth.
Well, by 3 wks pp, I had lost all the baby weight, and then some! I was a bit overweight before getting pg, and am now only 15 lbs away from my ideal weight. Granted, I am a bit flabby, and need to tone up, but honestly wouldn't be opposed to wearing a bikini right now if I had to. LOL
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks
I can't even believe someone would have the b@lls to say that out loud. WTF?
Hard to know til you're there, everyone's genetics are different. I will honestly say I lucked out. no stretch marks, no twin skin and I returned to my normal weight within 6 months without trying (and I didn't even BF). but i have never had a weight problem so i think it's just the way my body is.
the skin on my belly is a little looser but it doesnt bother me much. And the boobs are definitely less plump and squishier but tehy were nothing special before, sooooo....
I say expect the worst & hope for the best. GL!
Same for me. My booty is flatter than pancake and my boobs are smaller, but other than that, I'm pretty darn happy with my post-baby body. Luck of the draw!
+1, but only 7.5 months out. I'm back at my pre-pregnancy weight, but my body shape has changed so drastically - my stomach looks like a wrinkled sack, and I have some serious body issues (to the point where I don't even like DH to see me naked even though he swears he thinks I'm gorgeous - and yes, I know how effed up that is, but I'm really struggling with my body image right now).
I was suprised at how my body was able to bounce back. I am still a few lbs away from my prepregancy weight and my skin is not as tight as it used to be, but my body looks alot better than I expected it would. I threw away all my biknis a couple weeks before I had the girls because I swore I'd never be able to wear one again and now I regret it.
I think you will be surprised at how trying to juggle everything and carrying two babies up and down the steps multiple times a day will help you get back into shape.