This is from my MMB Black Friday order and a couple things from I really like variety, so I bought a lot of different brands to try out. Apparently, the free slings didn't come in on time, so they will be shipping it separately. What's there:
3 RaRs
2 Happy Heinys
1 BG Artist
1 Grovia
2 HH sized - discontinued prints
4 wool dryer balls
1 set Imse Vimse silk wool nursing pads
1 Detergent Sampler
A wide variety of hemp inserts
Freebies: wetbag, gray baby legs, A&A muslin wrap
I can't wait for my sling!!! Now it's time to prep! I can't decide which to put on his bum first!!
Re: Huge BF fluffy mail! PIP!
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