
Question about twins and baby shower

Hi!  My sister is pregnant with twins and I'm in charge of planning her baby shower.  I was wondering how far along you all would suggest throwing it.

She has to fly in for the shower so that's a consideration plus I'd want to have it early enough so that she's not completely uncomfortable the whole time.

Any thoughts/suggestions?  Thanks! 

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Re: Question about twins and baby shower

  • I just had mine over the weekend and I felt great.  You might however want to have her check with her doctor about how long she can fly for.
    BFP 4/22/09, Missed M/C on 6/9, D & C on 6/11 @ 11wks- trisomy 16 BFP 11/19/09 -CP 11/23/09 BFP 1/16/2010- m/c 1/29/2010, low progesterone BFP 6/13/2010 = twins!!! Lilypie First Birthday tickers</a
  • my OB didn't want me flying past 20 weeks - she will need to talk to her doctor- every doc is different, every pg is different... everyone is OK with different amount of risk (i, for one, did not feel comfortable flying at all during my pg)


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  • As early as possible.

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  • I'm having mine this weekend at 24 weeks. It's only an hour flight, but I don't feel comfortable flying after this point.
  • imageGoldie_Locks_5:

    my OB didn't want me flying past 20 weeks - she will need to talk to her doctor- every doc is different, every pg is different... everyone is OK with different amount of risk (i, for one, did not feel comfortable flying at all during my pg)


    agreed. if she didn't have to fly i would say 28 weeks but since she has to fly it should be earlier. Good luck! 

  • I certainly wouldn't have it any later than 28 weeks.  I toyed with the idea of having mine at 31 weeks and I am SO glad that I decided against it because the very next week after the shower I had my activity limited.  She should definately talk to her doctor about the flying part - I would say have it sooner rather than later. 
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  • My Dr said no flying after 24w and since I have to travel for my family one it will be at 22w.
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  • Early is definitely better! ?I had mine at 32 and 34 weeks, and I was so uncomfortable for both of them. ?
  • I agree with talking to her doctor first, and doing it as early as possible! 
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