Cloth Diapering

Favorite fitteds

I am starting to get really into and used to the CD world.  There is a cloth diaper store nearby that does an experiment to own program and wanted to journey out from the few AIO and pockets I have started with.  I wanted to give fitteds a try and are just curious what people love.  TIA!

Re: Favorite fitteds

  • I like the fuzzi bunz fitted but I dont have much experience with anything else fitted.  All the others I have are one size.
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  • I love our goodmamas and bsrb!

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  • Goodmamas! I liked Monkey Snuggles alot too, but the rise is very short so I hesitate to call the "one size".
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  • Are you looking for ones that would be sold in a store?  Most of the fitted fans on here like ones that are not sold in stores (e.g., BSRB, B4, Sbish, GM) I only own two B4s and really like them but they are pricey.  I have my eye on the snapless sbishes next.

    I have a thristies fab fitted that is nice and squishy but they have discontinued those because they are switching them over to the two sizes like their covers and diapers. However, the one I have is reported to not be very absorbent (I like it okay)

    I also have a bamboozle that is okay-nothing to write home about.





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  • My favorite is probably Piddle Poddles, but I like Goodmama and Cuddlebunz a lot, too.


    image Lucy, 12/27/2009
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Green Mountain Diapers Workhorse and Under the Nile
  • Goodmamas!

    DD1 born 5/24/10.

    Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.

    DD2 born 5/14/13.

    Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.

    Expecting someone new 4/17/17.
  • Monkey Snuggles are my favorite then Goodmamas, B4s.  I liked Fab Fitteds when she was smaller but now she pees though them in 15 minutes.
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  • Thank you ladies...I appreciate it!

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