
34 and 35 weekers

what were babies weights and nicu stays?

sorry i know its asked often...

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Re: 34 and 35 weekers

  • Mine were 34w5d.

    DS1: 4 lbs 9 oz, 13 days stay (it was supposed to be 10, but he crapped blood the night before and had to stay for observation.)

    DS2: 4 lbs 13 oz, 10 days stay

    They were just growers and feeders, so thankfully nothing major. 

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  • Mine were 34w3d.


    DD1: 3 lbs 10 oz, stayed in the NICU for 2 weeks (had jaundice and oxygen day 1 and 2 and was done with all of that after 2 days) just had to feed adn grow.

    DD2: 2 lbs 12 oz, stayed in the NICU for a month. Had NO problems, just had to feed and grow.

    I had a perfect pregnancy until 32 weeks when we developed IUGR and that is why they were so little.


    GOOD LUCK to you!

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  • 35.5 wks.  Boys were in nicu for 1 wk exactly.  A - 5lb 13oz.  B - 6lb 2oz
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  • 35.5 and we had steriod shots a few days before they were born.

    5.12 and 5.9
    4 hours of NICU time for observation (required for all babies before 36 weeks in our hospital)

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  • Born at 35 wks 3 days.  Had steroid shots at 29 wks.

    Baby A  -  5lbs 6 oz.  9 days in NICU.  All she needed was an IV for 24hrs because of slightly low blood sugar, went under lights for 24 hrs on day 3, and had a self resolved apnea on day 4 so she had to stay for a 5 day count.

    Baby B  -  5 lbs 7 oz.  6 days in NICU.  She had CPAP.  Then they decided she needed surfactant for her lungs so they had to put her on a ventilator for 24 hrs.  She had an IV for about 4 days ( I think).  She also went under the lights on day 3 for 24 hrs.

    They were the least sick babies in the NICU.

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  • 34.6 wks....4.2 lbs and 5.9 lbs.   nicu for 14 days for both babies.  they had two apnea spells each which bought them 10 days each and for keeping body temp up, eating and growing.
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  • 35w2d- weights were 4lb1oz for twin A (IUGR) and 5lb1oz for twin B. They spent 13 and 14 days in the NICU respectively. A for feeding, B due to apneas.
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  • My two were born at 34 weeks 3 days.

    Baby A was 5 lbs 4 ozs, Baby B was 5 lbs 3 ozs.- I didn't have steroid shots.  They stayed in the NICU for 17 days.  They just needed to learn to eat.

  • I made it to 35W, 6 days. 

    Baby A was 6 pounds, 9 ounces.

    Baby B was 6 pounds, 3 ounces. 

    Steroid shots at 31 weeks. They were in the NICU for one week (glucose issues. I also had an infection/fever going into labor and they were on antibiotics for 48 hours). 

  •  I would suggest asking your Dr. for steriod shots for their lungs, I really think it helped my LOs.

    35 weeks by scheduled c/s. 

    Boy - 5lb 10 oz  9apgar (came home at 5lb)

    Girl 5lb 2oz.  10apgar (came home at 4lb 12oz)

    We are blessed to say we had No NICU time, no breathing/feeding issues. They came home with me after 4 nights.

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  • Born at 35w2d

    DD was 5lbs 7oz and spent 12 hours in the special care nursery for monitoring

    DS was 5lbs 9oz and spent 26 days in NICU for RDS. 

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  • 34w 2d

    aiden - 5lbs 2oz nicu stay: 16days

    roman 5lbs 11oz 13 days

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  • 35 weeks exactly

    Jonathan: 5lbs 10oz, 16 days NICU stay for apnea

    Alaina: 4lbs 8.7oz, overnight NICU stay for observation

    I didn't have any steriod shots.

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  • 35w5d

    5lbs.1oz & 4lbs.6oz., zero NICU for both, and no steroid shots.

  • 34 wks 1 day...5.1 lbs each and did not have to go to the nicu. They were in a transition nursery for observation for about 20 hours.

    Good luck!

  • Born at 34 weeks and a few days,because my water broke on its own.

    Baby A was 5 lbs and baby B was 4 lbs 15 oz or somethign close to that.

    Stayed in NICU for 2 weeks. Baby A had to maintain his body temp and Baby B had to eat consistently enough.

    Now they are 20 lbs each at 8 months. Big boys.

    Good Luck!

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