Im due in March with LO #2! I will have a 3 yr old by then and looking for a double stroller. Any recs? I am favoring the City Mini only because everyone seems to favor it. Its going to be a Christmas gift from my family so Im not worried about the price. I just want something lightweight that has enough room for a toddler, and room underneath for bags, etc. I dont care about name brands, just want something that is durable and side by side.
I dont like the sit and stands and not a fan of the front/back strollers either. Looking for something side by side that will fit thru doorways and is easy to collaspe.
Re: xp: Double stroller rec's pls?!? City mini?
We considered the City Mini, but didn't like 2 different features. 1) The seats don't offer enough support for our liking. It feels more like a hammock and not a cushy seat. 2) The seat isn't very tall... and with Dh and I being very tall, this was an important feature (nephew tried it out at 2.5 yrs old and he didn't fit too well - and he's very short!).
We ended up with the Bubleride Indie Twin, and love it! We have only used it a couple of times, but did take it for a spin to the park last week, and love the way it drives, and the basket is easy to get too.
Last week, we were gifted a used Peg Prego Aria, and really like it. Not a fan of it for twins personally, but in your situation may be perfect (one side is larger than the other side for a toddler). It is VERY lightweight and easy to fold.
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
Really like our city mini but as they're getting older/bigger, my 2 complaints are the soft seat back & also when you put the tray on it is very high. I have two short-ish 16 month olds & they can't get a straw cup out of the cup holder on the tray b/c it is too high so I dont have it on anymore.
However, I have heard the new model that came out or is coming out has worked on the seat support issue so still def worth looking into. Super easy to open & fold, stick in back of car & relatively lightweight, compared to something like the bumbleride, which is awesome but definitely more cumbersome.