Baby Names

Is it crazy.... consider Ava at this point?

Of course it's ridiculously popular, but I think it's just lovely.

We would most likely not consider it for this baby, just because our frontrunners are pretty set right now and have been for a while (though I suppose that's subject to change).

I've been thinking about trading it in for Talulla or Donatella---both of which I think are lovely names, just not really....livable.

I don't know. Thoughts? Suggestions? I'd like to get some opinions on this matter! :)

ETA: I should also add that it could replace Sophia, which is one popular name for another. But if we go with Scarlett for a girl, I don't want to use another S name. (I make it a habit to obsess over things early)

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Re: Is it crazy....

  • I don't think it's crazy.  I love the name Emma and it's still one of our top choices

    I only know one Ava IRL.  The top 10 names aren't as widespread as they were when we were kids.  I don't think you'll have to worry about her sharing a classroom with 3 other Ava's  :) 

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  • imageBecky262:

    I don't think it's crazy.  I love the name Emma and it's still one of our top choices

    I only know one Ava IRL.  The top 10 names aren't as widespread as they were when we were kids.  I don't think you'll have to worry about her sharing a classroom with 3 other Ava's  :) 

    That's true. I think I'm a little wary because it's actually really popular in my area, but we're about to move to another state----so it's probably a non-issue.

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  • Ava is cute. If your DH agrees you should switch it out for Donatella (because I don't see you ever seriously considering naming a daughter Donatella) 
  • Ava is cute. If your DH agrees you should switch it out for Donatella (because I don't see you ever seriously considering naming a daughter Donatella) 
  • I don't think it's crazy to consider Ava at this point.  You're only 6 weeks have a whole 34 more weeks to contemplate this big decision.  I can't tell you how many times we changed our mind during my pregnancy.  Our list didn't even include Olivia because I kept saying it's too popular but we decided a few weeks before she was born to use the name we love and to forget about popularity.  We have no regrets.

     Good luck!

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  • I love Ava. And even though it's popular I would have used it for my DD except for the fact that a close relative already had. Between Sophia and Ava, I like Ava more.
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  • I would still go for it. I've been seeing a lot more kids with the names Morgan, Sarah. Harper, Page, and Hannah than Ava and Sophie/Sophia in my under 5year old classes. Though I agree, Ava was hugely popular near the end of the 90'. I had 4 girls out of 12 named Ava in class one year!
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  • imagealliejo725:

    I don't think it's crazy.  I love the name Emma and it's still one of our top choices

    I only know one Ava IRL.  The top 10 names aren't as widespread as they were when we were kids.  I don't think you'll have to worry about her sharing a classroom with 3 other Ava's  :) 

    That's true. I think I'm a little wary because it's actually really popular in my area, but we're about to move to another state----so it's probably a non-issue.

    Have you checked the SSA list for the particular state? Sometimes although it seems popular there aren't really that many babies born with the name.

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  • imageBecky262:

     I love the name Emma and it's still one of our top choices

    I have been obsessed with Emma since I was a little girl, so I incorporated into the our name. Emmalyn (Emma with my middle name) 

  • It's not crazy - I think Ava is a beautiful name.  I'm less of a fan of Talulla or Donatella.  Sophia and Scarlett are beautiful, too.  I think that if you're in love with the name, go with it, though I do understand not wanting an extremely popular name. 
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  • It's not crazy at all! If you love Ava, you will be the one who calls her by it her whole life. Studies show that having a common name makes life easier on kids, whereas having a very unusual name can make job searches, college applications and the school bus harder :)
  • I don't think it's crazy. Ava has been my favorite name forever. It's strong but ultra feminine, and it looks and sounds lovely. If its popularity doesn't bother you, go for it. I like it more than Sophia.
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