Hello everyone!!! I have been lurking here for a few months, and decided to say hi and give a introduction!!
DH and I have been married 4 years (today!!). We started TTC 2 years ago, with no luck. Started seeing a RE had a HSG tubes are clear, AF is VERY normal, DH's SA was "the best she has ever seen". My RE is concerened that I have most of the symptoms of Endo, but we have not done a Lap. I posted on IF quite a bit.
So, DH and I have always felt very strongly about adoption. In fact he was adopted as a newborn. So we have began the homestudy paperwork, and hopefully will get it mailed next week. Super excited to get the ball rolling!! I'm looking forward to getting to "know" everyone here!
Re: Hello!! Newbie here!!
Welcome, we have very similar stories. I just joined as well good luck and I look forward to getting to know you more.
Girl! Your story is so crazy close to mine it's nuts! lol. My DH and I have been married for 4 and a half years. We tried 2 years then finally went to an RE and then at 2 and a half I finally had a lap and was diagnosed with stage 4 endo. So not cool. So in July, after grieving some, we decided to go with adoption because it seemed our best chance to have a child. We are just waiting on our homestudy report to be completed and then we start officially waiting for a match. BTW...I'm from West Texas.
I'm glad you have finally come out to say hi! Welcome to the board officially!! If you need anything feel free to post! I hope your adoption journal is quick and smooth. 
That's crazy our stories are the same!! Wow!! And BTW i'm in West Texas too!!! Private Message me if you want!!
I PMed you!!