This year is the first time my DD has regularly gone to preschool and daycare. Since school started, she has had a cold or been sick the entire time. As soon as I notice her cough/runny nose/whatever going away, it starts back up again. I knew she was going to catch more things now, but this is getting ridiculous.
Re: Is your preschooler always sick?
No, but that's because she was in daycare.
She had a nanny her first winter and still got reasonably sick (we got out and about and she was exposed to stuff, but it was nice because the nanny was still there to watch her even though she was sick).
She went into daycare at 18 months and got sick immediately. . . I think she missed the whole second week of daycare, I think. She was sick the whole winter, but it was mostly runny nose/cough/minor stuff that she didn't have to stay home from school for.
She's been at preschool for 2 years now and has only missed a couple of days due to random stomach bugs. She actually brings stuff home from school that makes *us* really sick that doesn't really affect her much.
Hang in there. . . better now than kindergarten!
In my bag: Nikon D90; 35mm 1.8, 90mm 2.8 macro (my fave), Lensbaby Composer with macro extensions. BFP after 13 cycles and one ectopic. Lost left tube 5/19/10.