
Premies SSTN or Longer Stretches

My boys were born at 33 weeks 6/7 days and are currently 7 weeks old. I am looking forward to when they start sleeping longer stretches or through the night, in fact I'm getting desperate. When did your premies start sleeping more at night?

Eli and Charlie born at 33w6d image

Re: Premies SSTN or Longer Stretches

  • Mine were born at 35w and unfortunately had sleep milestones on their adjusted age. They started going 4 hrs between feedings around 4w adjusted. By 6w they did 5. Now they're just starting to go 6hrs. BUT, mine have a ton of issues. They have terrible reflux and it took over a month to get it under control. Actually DS2 is still not eating well. They also had thrush, which caused them not to eat well. They were constipated for almost a week and were super fussy. And now they have colds. If they had been healthy this whole time I suspect they would have slept better. Fingers crossed for you that your two do better : )
  • Mine were born 34w5d and started sttn around 15w and 17w.  I'm a firm believer that babies need to be 11-13lbs before the "can" sttn.  My pedi told us that, and no matter what we did before that, it wasn't until they hit 12.5lbs that they magically did it one night.
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  • They did 8 hours around week 9.  Mine were technically not preemies, but based on other things, the doctors thought that the u/s estimate was off because they didn't behave like 36 weekers--- more like 35
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  • Mine were born at 36 weeks.  When first born, we had to feed them every three hours.  At 2 months, we were given the ok to let them go longer, so we would just wait for them to wake to feed them and it started stretching out how long they would go.  One night a little after 3 months they sttn and have been doing so ever since.  My husband usually gives them a bottle around 10 pm and they will sleep until 6:30-7:30 am.  I don't believe they have to be a certain weight to do it neither of mine were 11 lbs when they started.  I think every child is different.
  • Mine were 33w4d, and they hit milestones appropriate to adjusted age... so an extra 6 wks before sttn at longer stretches. 

    We started a bedtime routine at about 13wks (many start at 6wks with term babies) and w/in a couple weeks they started sleeping longer stretches. 

    Hang in there!! 

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