Ok so you guys ready for this? I HAD to call my dr. office and I spoke to my nurse (Adriana) she's super cool and I was first hesitant to tell her about my little problem of holding back sex for 6 months!! But i just came out and told her and she started questioning me like "umm I saw your charts and why the hell can't you or haven't you been having sex?" I told her NO WAY she is telling me this. Make a long story short she started laughing and saying OMG Nikki, poor you LOL She went to personally go talk to my OB about my situation and why he has told me that. After 10 minutes she calls me back telling me my doctor's reaction was "OMG she haven't had sex since June?? After she told me that over the phone I wanted to kill my OB! He had told me in the very beginning NOT to have sex but that HE had ASSUMED that it was during the first trimester!!! How the hell was I suppose to know?? He told me no from the beginning so I took it no means no! lol I have wasted 26 weeks of no sex and I've been the crankiest, craziest *** you'll ever meet b/c I've been deprived of it!! Now that I have that cleared out I know one of you have told me that your OB have given you specific "positions" for third trimester? I mean NOW I don't even wanna risk it or want it that much but I sure as hell gonna sneak in some lovin once or twice at LEAST before these babies are out, Im so happy I could cry!!!
To Goldie, I read your response and I was laughing so freakin hard my 2 year old looks at the screen and asks "what's so funny mommy?" Good thing she can't read yet..lol
Re: RE: finally gonna have the guts to ask this..(detailed sex question) rather be safe then sorry!
I am so happy for you! I am glad I am not the only crazed one on here. 26 is a long time. I felt awful during the last couple weeks (even though the girls were early) and so I was not interested and so worried but like I said yesterday, I feel so much better now and plus I feel liked I healed faster since I dont have the girls home yet and honestly I am scared that when they do come home I will be so tired that I will never have sex again with my husband!