William Coffey
William Taylor
Our last name is like Atkins. Coffey (pronounced just like the drink) and Taylor are family names on my dad's side. I worry that William Taylor is too plain, so I like the idea of using Coffey. And no, I would never call him Coffey.
Thoughts or opinions?
Re: Another which do you like better post?
My vote would be Willitam Taylor.
Since they both honor family, its the MN, and you want "not plain" then go with Coffey .... either or would work though!
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I love using family names or unusual names as MNs. It's just such a cool thing, and since you're using it as the child's MN, there's really no chance that he'll ever be ostracized for it.
I think Coffey is a fun MN, especially since it has meaning to your family. We have my mother's maiden name picked out for a MN, too. I love that!
William Coffey sounds great. I prefer it to Taylor, and it sounds like you do, too.
I love William Taylor.
I wish we could use the name Taylor, it was my great great grandmothers maiden name. Unfortunately is also the name of my Ex. What a ruiner.
"For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me the petition which I asked of him." 1 Samuel 1:27
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
This has nothing to do with what you wrote, but I love that scripture verse in your siggy. I read it last night and it made me teary eyed. It's so beautiful and true. Thank you for posting it.
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