Hi Ladies!
I had my 41 wk appt yesterday... well sort of... I went in for my first NST and fluid check. Well, LO decided to be a crazy spaz the entire 40 mins, and as a result the nurses couldn't establish a baseline heartrate (dang lemonade). So I was sent over to L&D for more monitoring (apparently once you hit 40 mins you get sent there due to hospital policy). And of course LO's NST results over there were beautiful and perfect . I got a 6.9 on the AFI (anything over 5 is fine), so they said I need to repeat the tests again on Thursday. But so far he looked "very happy in my uterus."
One of the MWs met us over there about an hour after the second NST, just after the u/s fluid check. I had missed my appt due to being sent to L&D. She checked me and said not much change from last week (1-2cm, 70%eff and soft), and I requested her to sweep the membranes. She was able to easily get 3 sweeps. Here's to hoping!!!
She went ahead and scheduled an gentle induction for Monday 12/6 at 8pm (the night before I hit 42 weeks). She said if I make it this far it would be my choice of either a foley bulb or a fractional dose of pitocin. Let's hope LO decides to kick these irregular contractions into high gear soon
QUESTION: Anyone have any experiences or knowledge of gentle inductions for VBACs? Any info is helpful. TIA!
~Sweet Girl *8/18/08* c-section ~ Sweet Boy *12/2/10* VBAC ~ Sweet Boy *8/14/12* VBAC~
VBAC Birth Story 2VBAC Birth Story
Re: Update at 41weeks... and a ?
Oooh, I had three sessions for three days in a row, the last one was the night before labor started for me. Hope that baby comes soon for you! Good luck!!!
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
Good sex, acupuncture, spicy food (although that didn't work at all for me last time), lots of walking.
Good luck!
Yes I've had 4 acupuncture sessions already. They are great for starting contractions, but they have faded out after a few hours each time.
UPDATE: I have been having strong contractions every 3-5 mins since 8am this morning and quite a bit of bloody show!! Let's hope this is it ladies
Thank you all for your warm wishes and positive vibes! I'll update you as I am able.
~Sweet Girl *8/18/08* c-section ~ Sweet Boy *12/2/10* VBAC ~ Sweet Boy *8/14/12* VBAC~
VBAC Birth Story 2VBAC Birth Story
Wow, how exciting! Quick, safe, and happy labor vibes coming your way.