Hi ladies,
Sadly, I'm back on CD 1 - BOOH HISSS!
I'll be charting this month, but I have a question about when you have sex, specifically the time of day.
Last month we pretty much did it every night right before bed so I could just lay there and fall asleep- so it would "absorb" better.
Do you think it's wise to try at different times during the day or is night optimal since you lay there for hours?
IVF #1 w/ ICSI 9/2012 (10M 6F),
ET 9/24 (1 good pre-blast), BETA 10/4= BFN,
IVF #2 Microflare w/ ICSI 12/2012 (19M 7F), ET 12/16 (2 Good blasts),
BETA 12/26= BFP (356), BETA 12/28 (840) 2nd Ultrasound shows TWINS!!
Re: TTC - Timing Sex Question
Me: 32 DH: 34
5/17/11 SA- count 38 mil, low motility, traces of white blood cells (2 weeks antibiotics)
6/16/11 SA- count 23 mil, low motility, referred to urologist
dx varicocele
DH ultrasound
6/27/11 SA- count 101 mil, 36% motility, 5% morphology
IUI #1 50 mg Clomid: Back -2- back: 7/27/11 & 7/28/11 = BFN
IUI #2 100 mg Clomid: Back -2- back: 8/25/11 & 8/26/11= BFN
IVF #1(Ganirelix, Follistim, Menopur) ER 11/16/11,ET 11/21/11= BFP 11/29
P/SAIF Welcome
I've heard this too. But I honestly don't think it would make that much more of a difference, if any.
1/11: IUI #2 = 5mg Femara + trigger + IUI = BFN
2/11: IUI #3 = injectibles + trigger + IUI = BFN
IVF #1 April 2011 ER 4/23 w/16 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 11 fert., 4 blasts to freeze, 5dt of 2 blasts on 4/28, beta #1 5/7 = 243... beta #2 5/9 = 491....beta #3 5/11 = 1113!!
my blog
I read this too. I've also noticed that I have the most CM in the mornings, so I'm going to try to get some AM sex in this week as soon as I get over this cold!!
TTC #1 since Sept 2010
DX = Endo and right tube blocked
IUI #1-3 - 50mg Clomid, 75iu Gonal, Ovidrel, Progesterone = BFN
IVF #1 - ER = 9R, 9M, 8F; 5DT of 1 embryo (3 frosties) = BFP!!
Beta #1 (17dpo) = 496, Beta #2 (20dpo) = 1318, Beta #3 (22dpo) = 2190
EDD Oct 9, 2012
Just make sure you pee. UTIs are evil.
My Ridiculous Chart