2nd Trimester

facial rash...anyone else? mask of pregnancy? (TMI)

I've had this rash for over a month around my mouth and nose. At first I thought it was acne but it's itchy and red and not getting better at all. Saw a doctor and he seems to think it's the "mask of pregnancy" but after doing research it is mostly just brown pigmentation which isn't what I have.

He gave me a prescription for the topical cream Bactroban to use 3x a day. Does anyone have anything similar to this? It is so frustrating not know what the heck is on my face! 

Re: facial rash...anyone else? mask of pregnancy? (TMI)

  • I got that at the end of my pregnancy last time.  It started out looking like pimples and soon it turned into one big rash on the side of my mouth and chin and then more "pimples" would sprout up.  It started 2-3 weeks before I gave birth and stayed for another 3 weeks or so after I gave birth before it cleared up completely.  My Dr. never gave me a prescription for it, they never really made a guess at what it was either, mentioned something about hormones and it would go away.
  • Im getting that - under my nose, my chin, and my neck. Im starting to notice its after I eat when it flares up really bad. I think I've developed a milk intolerance/allergy with pregnany.
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  • thank you so much for posting! it makes me feel a lot better to know I am not the only one going through this. (that is a good point about the milk)

    I have an appointment with a dermatologist at 11 so I will post what he says so you don't have to wonder!

  • I had it after I had my first, and this time (third) I have it again.  I really hope you're dermatologist has something good to say!!
    DS #1 5.5.07 DS #2 12.3.08 DD 5.21.11
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