Cloth Diapering

Wool dryer balls? And a dryer question.

This may be a stupid question, but are dryer sheets bad to use with cloth? I am line drying my pocket shells, but machine drying the inserts. Do they need anything like that? Can you use the free and clear dryer sheets? Is that what wool dryer balls are for? To be a natural replacement for dryer sheets?

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Re: Wool dryer balls? And a dryer question.

  • You can't use dryer sheets at all. Not even on your clothes. They will cause buildup in your dryer and ot will cause your diapers to repel.  Wool dryer balls are supposed to reduce the drying time and make things softer.
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  • I am hang drying the diapers themselves, but drying the inserts in the dryer. We have always used dryer sheets on everything. Is there a way to clean out the dryer? Will that affect my inserts if I don't clean the inside of my dryer?
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  • imageCassian:
    I am hang drying the diapers themselves, but drying the inserts in the dryer. We have always used dryer sheets on everything. Is there a way to clean out the dryer? Will that affect my inserts if I don't clean the inside of my dryer?

    Throw in a load of towels without fabric softener (in the wash or dryer) - that may pick up some of the residue.


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