Just copied what I wrote on the 2u2 board, then thought you girls would know the answer to this lol (baby brain kicking in)
Hi new to this board. I have a question about a midwife. What do they exactly do? The reason why I ask is cause I did not have an epi for my 1st and I really don't want to get one this time. My 1st time I wanted one but I had no chance. I was wondering if they are going to help me not get the epi. this time. I know that not ever delivery is the same. Do I use my dr. and a midwife? TIA for all your help
Re: Midwife question
I don't know what they are "supposed" to do, but mine guided me through my pregnancy.
Gave me my pre-natal classes, etc. and was the one guiding me through my delivery. She would have done the same though whether I got the epi or not.
The doctor actually followed the pregnancy in terms of the baby's development and health and then came in at the end of my delivery to stitch me up.
I don't think I was any help whatsoever. Sorry.
A midwife does the exact same thing that an OB does...sees you for each appointment, does exams, etc. The only difference is that midwives are not certified to handle high-risk pregnancies, and in that case, the coordinating doc would step in.
A doula is someone who coaches you through your labor & can aide in natural pain relief, positioning, pressure, etc.
I would suggest that if you want to go nautural for #2, do your research now (looks like you are) and find a midwife in your area. Then research the type of birth you want, and write up a corresponding birth plan. I highly suggest reading "Your Best Birth" by Abbi Epstein & Rikki Lake- it talks about your more natural birthing options. I can also send you a copy of my birth plan if you'd like- & please feel free to ask me more questions!
A natural birth isn't for everyone, but I sure know it was the best option for me. I'm sure Lib & Blayne will also chime in here- as they also did it natural!
(Sorry if I left anyone else out- those two gals just immediately came to mind!)
I would use her again. She was more personal than my doctor and truly made me feel more at ease for any type of question that I had not just medical.
I am not sure if I can say I had a natural birth I did have the pit. which caused me not to have the epi plus a change of shifts. lol
I have asked my dh to help me not get the epi but I am not sure if really is going to help me. He was good the 1st time just a little anxious I guess, thankful his mother helped me and calmed him down. I know he will not be as anxious this time, well I hope. I will look into a doula.
Thank you