May 2011 Moms

Insurance Vent

I am on my husband's insurance plan since his job is a bit more stable than mine, and he just got the paperwork for next year's plan.  We have to pay $200 more per month and the max out of pocket went up from $3,000 annually to $5,000 annually.  Totally stinks.

Don't get me wrong, I am very very thankful to have insurance, but I hate that the price is increasing so drastically.

Anyone else facing increased costs for insurance for 2011?

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Re: Insurance Vent

  • Yup.  It has gone up every year.  We pay close to 800 a month to cover our family of three.  I'm glad we have it too, but it is shocking how much it keeps going up.
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  • Yes - it had been going up but the jump this year is much more noticable compliments of healthcare reform - insurrance companies have to spread the increased cost and they are doing it in anticpation of 2014 - expect it to get nasty over the next few years. This bill didn't do anything to bring down costs - it was insurrance reform intended to cover more people. Here' a scary stat - Kaiser Family Health Foundation projects that if nothing is done about cost - by 2022 an average family of 4 can expect to pay up to 48% of income on premiums and healthcare expenses. Nobody will be able to afford that. Vent over (I work in healthcare consulting so it irks me every day) ; )
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  • I am lucky that my dh works for the state of CT and our insurance is not much at all. we pay about 70 every two weeks and that covers us and when we add the baby it goes up to 80 every two weeks. for this pregnancy I have not even paid a co pay under his plan and there are no deductibles. after seeing what some of you pay I feel very lucky. When my dh retires insurance is part of his retirement package and it is paid for in full.


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  • We had the same thing at my company so we switched over to my DH's insurance for this year. PG isn't a pre-existing and we are switching from a PPO to a HMO but for a year and covering 100% of L&D it will be worth it, even with the penalty charge my DH's company charges me it will be cheaper to pay more monthly in premiumns that it will if you add up the out of pocket maxs....which would have been about $8K for the year counting me and the baby.


    Insurance sucks.

  • imageMrsDL:
    Yes - it had been going up but the jump this year is much more noticable compliments of healthcare reform - insurrance companies have to spread the increased cost and they are doing it in anticpation of 2014 - expect it to get nasty over the next few years. This bill didn't do anything to bring down costs - it was insurrance reform intended to cover more people. Here' a scary stat - Kaiser Family Health Foundation projects that if nothing is done about cost - by 2022 an average family of 4 can expect to pay up to 48% of income on premiums and healthcare expenses. Nobody will be able to afford that. Vent over (I work in healthcare consulting so it irks me every day) ; )

    So it's only going to get worse, huh?  That is horrifying!  

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  • Yep!  Costs are going up for next year AND my company is switching insurers.  My current OB does not take my new insurance so it looks like I will be seeing a new OB come Jan 1 unless I can get the current office to talk to the new insurance and see if they will allow me to remain with this practice.
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  • I feel your pain and am sorry you guys have to deal with this.  I am i a similar boat.  I was laid off 3 weeks before I found out I was pregnant and my COBRA premium is $550 a month for just me, and my deductible is $2000 a year.  I also have to pay out of pocket for all ultrasounds and blood work (not included in the deductible).  I hate the big business of health insurance and want to move to Canada.  What's the difference is we have to pay more taxes, or pay half of our income just for health insurance?  It's getting ridiculous. :(
  • Yup. It blows. We were looking at nearly 100 percent of everything paid (maternity cost wise) and now not so much.  I am dreading my first appointment in January when we have to rework what their billing department projects we owe.  If only I would have gotten knocked up when we first started trying. hahahahahahahhaa (fake sarcastic laugh)
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