
Gross, but...

Has anyone's kid ever had a wart?  I think Max has one on his heel, but I can't be sure w/o going to the doc.  I hate to pay the office visit when his 2-year well visit is in a month, but I wonder if I should let it wait that long...

Any experiences?

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Re: Gross, but...

  • Ian had one. They just told us to use the planters wart remover band aid thingys.


  • Ds has one right now. Doctor told us to use duct tape on it now while it's still small. I bought a fancy roll of duct tape with flames printed all over it so ds thinks it's cool to have it wrapped around his big toe, LOL. We've only been using the duct tape for a few days and the wart is already noticeably smaller.
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  • I have them and my dermatologist recommended the over the counter wart removers or duct tape.  I'd personally start sooner than later because they can get nasty and spread the longer you leave them.
  • Ok I hadn't heard of the duct tape method so I'll give that a whirl.  As it is, he pulls his socks off constantly, and tonight was picking at the wart.  Ew.  So maybe I'll also duct tape his socks on.  Wink



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