Cloth Diapering

Prepping GMD prefolds and Gdiaper cloth inserts

OK - so I just want to make sure I'm doing this right...I bought GMD prefolds (cloth-eez) and Gdiaper cloth inserts

Can I wash them together or should it be done seperately?

Also - is it just as simple as putting it in the washer (speed wash cycle) in hot water (and rinse in hot?) 6 times? Do I add the same amount of detergent? (I use the oxiclean, borax and washing soda mix).

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Re: Prepping GMD prefolds and Gdiaper cloth inserts

  • The paperwork I got with my GMDs said to wash them separate from other diapers during prep, and then you can wash them all together after the 3-5 prep washes.

    When I did ours, I added one large pot of boiling water to my hot wash and washed the dipes with my detergent ( I use All Free and Clear military).  I did a double hot rinse to be sure there was no residue, then took them out and dried them completely in the dryer.  After the 3rd time, I tested them for absorbancy since they were looking pretty fluffy--and they soaked the water right up, so I did not wash them again.

    GMD sent me a 10 page document about how to launder the dipes--yo may want to e-mail and request one if you did not get one.

  • You need to prep natural fibers (cotton, hemp) at least 4-6 times & separate from other diapers.  I did 6 times to get them really absorbent.  I dried them btw but I am not sure if that's required.  Once they are prepped you can wash all your diapers together.  Natural fibers release oils early on & you don't want that getting on your other diapers before they are prepped.  

    DD1 born 5/24/10.

    Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.

    DD2 born 5/14/13.

    Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.

    Expecting someone new 4/17/17.
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