Baby Names

Sister for Isla

DD is 2 and named Isla JoAnn.

We are having a horrendous time finding a name for her little sister, expected to arrive in ~3 weeks!

Any suggestions/loves?

Here is our list, but nothing seems perfect (any comments on any of these also greatly appreciated:







Not very worried about middle names, as we'll likely use a family name again for that (as with JoAnn).

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Re: Sister for Isla

  • I like Norah the best of your choices. My DD is also Isla. Names for DD #2 on our list were Amelia, Charlotte, Elise, Eleanor, and Claire.
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  • My favorites from your list are Brynn, Nora, and Sloane.

    Sofie would be my favorite if it was Sophia/Sofia with the NN Sofie; I just don't think it ages as well.

    I think Isla and Brynn makes the best sibset, though.

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  • From your list, Norah is easily the best. I agree with the pp in that I love Sofia with the nn Sofie, but not Sofie on it's own.

    Other ideas:

    Isla and Chloe

    Isla and Daisy

    Isla and Greta

    Isla and Heidi

    Isla and Lucy

    Isla and Ruby

    Isla and Selma

    Isla and Violet

    Isla and Zoe 

    Isla and Wren

    Isla and Carys

    Isla and Gemma

    Isla and Georgia

    Isla and Hazel

    Isla and Camille

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  • Bryn and Norah are a nice fit. I'm with the PP, Sophia/Sofia vs Sofie would be my choice.

    I know this wasn't on your list, but Simone is another unusual name starting with "S". 


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  • I like Blair and Sloane
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  • Brynn
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  • Love Norah and Sloane



    (I have an 18 month old named Isla Paige and she is getting 2 sisters in 6 weeks or so.  thier names are Eden and Olivia)

  • A friend of mine's DD's are Isla, Olive and June...I think they all sound great together, so either Olive or June
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  • Norah works best with Isla's classic and beautiful name.

    A big fat no to Sloan, Bryn, Blair, and especially Fable. 

    Best combo: Norah Sophie!

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  • I love Isla =)  Your suggestions pale in comparison...

    Are you having a real daughter, or an imaginary one?  If she's going to be real, I think that rules out "Fable" *shudders*

    Out of your list the only one that even holds a candle to Isla is Norah.  The rest are not good.

    Some suggestions-













  • Not really a fan of Fable or the spelling of Bryn (it seems unfinished to me).  With Isla I like, Sofie, Norah or Sloan.

     Other suggestions..


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  • Bryn - This is the masculine spelling, so I'd like to suggest Brynn the feminine. Popular right now with the love of BRI names.

    Blair - to make a loud noise, but I see the appeal

    Fable - I was thinking about this word the other makes you sound like a Fable fanatic. I like the way it sounds, but it would take a lot of name love for that to work, as in both parents love it and can defend it.

    Norah - I prefer Nora...Norah looks like it caught a case of the Sarahs. I love the sound of this name though.

    Sofie - I prefer Sofia...something that has a few more options.

    Sloan - Missing an E


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