Nurseries and Baby Gear

Bottle Help!!!

My DH and I registered this past week and when we got to the bottle isle there were to many to chose from so we decided to skip it for another day when we had a little more information on all the choices. 

What brand do you use and why? 


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Re: Bottle Help!!!

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    we got 3 playtex drop ins for free (not sure how, they literally showed up in our mailbox one at a time...  maybe a random promotion??), so we used those, but mostly we used the bottles that came with my pump.  DD never really took a bottle except at day care so we stuck with those 2.

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    We use the playtex drops ins mostly because I like that I can get all the air out before I feed LO.  I also have one of each: Dr. Browns- she doesn't do well with those, Avent- she hated this one, Born Free- she does ok with this, and Playtex ventaire- she also does ok with this.  I want to make sure we are using the one that causes the least amount of spit up/gas, so that is why we are trying them out.  That is what I would suggest.  Just register for one of each!
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    we used the Avent w/DD and now w/DS...I love them and so did/do both of my children.  The nipple is larger and similar to the breast since I bottlefed and breastfed.  I use the Avent pacifiers, sippy cups, teethers...I just like the Avent line.  Also heard good things about Dr Browns and Born Free. WE have a Born Free bottle that we got as a registry gift at BBB. DS seems to be fine drinking from it too.
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    We're getting ready to register and have the same problem.  I asked a couple of new moms I know, and in my research they all suggest getting a couple of different brands (Born Free, Dr. Browns, Avent were the most frequently mentioned) and trying them out. Get small packs at first and see what works best, but I'd only change brands if the first option wasn't working out...I wouldn't randomly change bottles/nipples. When you find the one that works, return the ones you didn't need.

    It seems kind of a PITA process, but 2 of the newborns I know who are bottle fed had eating issues around 2mo old - turned out in both cases it was the bottles.


    Caitlin 4.17.11     Madeline 10.20.13

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    Playtex Drop Ins were our favorites with DS.  I liked them b/c they have the least number of parts to clean (only the nipple and ring).  They have the wide nipple which is good for BF babies.  And you can squeeze out all the air in the liner so they are great for gassy/reflux babies.  Also, they are generally a good bit cheaper than the other brands.  The downside is that you have to continue to buy drop in liners and that you can't use them with a bottle warmer.  So if you are using a warmer, then I would advise you to go ahead and buy a few Playex Ventaires so that you can use the same nipples but those are safe to go in the warmer. 

    The other brand that we used were Avents.  DS preferred these over all others, but I hated them b/c they always leaked a ton- like half the bottle!  But now they have a new kind with an inner ring thats supposed to prevent the leaking.  Of course that's an extra piece you have to wash as well...






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    DS would only take Born Free and we tried 3 or 4 different brands.  He was EBF'd so maybe they are closest/most similar to the breast.  Also- they NEVER leaked!  We loved them and plan to use them again for #2 (with new nipples of course).

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    My LO was VERY picky with bottles.  I wanted to BF and she never latched so I had to pump.  Even with bottles she just screamed when you tried to feed her.  After several tries Avent, Born Free, Playtex, Adiri, we somehow had a "sample" MAM bottle.  The only bottle she ever liked.  It was a cheap bottle and she still uses them.  Never had colic but that may be the baby not the bottle.  I wouldn't buy too many from the start.

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