
this pregnancy is making me a raving megabitch

I don't think I've cursed as much this whole year as I have this past month My boss is thisclose to being throat-punched. I almost castrated DH last night because he "finished" before I was ready (yeah, add sexbeast hormones to the insanity); I'm ready to accidentallyonpurpose let my dogs off their leashes in the hopes that they get carried off by coyotes; and my poor child probably thinks he's living with a cross between Joan Crawford and Sybil.

And I've been weaned off the Cymbalta, but I just put in a call to my doctor. I think I have to go back on something. Zoloft's pretty much all I can take right?

My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage

Re: this pregnancy is making me a raving megabitch

  • My doc okayed Prozac during pregnancy. I didn't start it until after Nate was born, but you might want to ask about it.

    FWIW, I'm still a megabitch. I think it's a combination of the menstrual hormones since I started my cycle again a month or two ago and the sleep deprivation, but I could be just making myself feel better. Luckily it's mainly directed toward my H so my kids are spared, but the poor guy.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • Don't know about the zoloft but just wanted to say that I can relate.  I was a horrible beyotch during my pg.  It got really bad toward the end.  Luckily I stopped working when I did or I probably would have been fired.
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  • It's probably a girl.  Too much extra estrogen.  :)

    I was a freaking psychob!tch my entire first trimester and most of my second.  I'd weaned off my Zoloft in the first tri, so I think that had a lot to do with it, but even after I started back on it, I was still short-tempered and just generally annoyed about everything.  I was really nauseated all the time, too, and having to still be "on" from the buttcrack until bedtime despite feeling like death made me crabby, too.

    My doc is fine with me taking Zoloft.  I took it the second half of my pregnancy with DS2 and have been back on it since a few weeks into my second tri this time (I think...I can't remember when I finally gave back in).

    Hang in there.  You're certainly not alone.  And just remember it's temporary.

  • weaning off cymbalta was no fun i have never been so hot tempered in my life when i was pg with E.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • I just had to chuckle bc we had a huge blow out with the ILs that was 2 years in the making. MIL blamed some of it on my pregnancy hormones. If I wasn't the nice person I am I would have said 'It's not my hormones, its the fact that you're a b!tch'. I didn't. I refraned and we all came to a tentitive yet fake peace.
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