Nurseries and Baby Gear

would you get this used?

Would you get a used co-sleeper? I found a gently used one on CL for $45. Its a pretty sweet deal but Im so unsure about using that kind of stuff used.
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Re: would you get this used?

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    I wouldn't, but between the potential for bedbug infestations and how important safety is for where the kiddo sleeps, I'd just fork over for a new one. You just don't know what kind of condition it's in.
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    I totally would!  You can take the fabric off and clean it.
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    Not at all. Some things they say never to get used are cribs and mattresses and a co-sleeper just sounds like it fits into that category to me
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    I wouldn't because the scare of bedbugs and people are not always honest.  I would search for a good deal on a new one.
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