Cloth Diapering

Stink Issue

I think I've heard others talk about the "barnyard stink" on here before. Well we have this.

Is it not enough detergent?

I tried extra rinses and doing several hot washes with no detergent, thinking it might be detergent build up. but we still have the stink.

I use Tide. I rinse off in toilet. Wash in hot water with detergent (filled to 1 mark), and then do a hot wash with no detergent.

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Re: Stink Issue

  • I think I've read on here that it's either 1) not enough detergent or 2) the MF inserts and just bleach them separately or do an overnight soak...not sure which though and I'm not sure on the correct treatment if it is the MF inserts. Sorry to only be of little help, but I can't stand it when my threads don't get answered, so I tried to answer as best I could. Smile
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  • Thanks for the reply :) I hate when mine go unanswered too! I was thinking I was going to have to try bleach, but I'm scared because I know that's usually a no-no and voids warranties. Wondering if vinegar might help?
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  • I haven't encountered the barnyard smell, but it seems you need more soap based on the pps.  I typically soak in hot water with 1 cup of vinegar about once a month, then restart the load using my normal steps for cd laundry.  I would avoid bleach personally, but don't know what the other cders would recommend on that one. GL.
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