Two Under 2

Need Advice on gettin DS to STTN!

I am 33 weeks pregnant and my son and daughter will be 18 months apart. My DS most of the nights still wakes up every night to get a bottle. I keep telling my DH we need to change this before our DD gets here or it will be harder. I don't want to make him CIO. I wouldn't mind letting him CIO for like 5 min. at the most but wouldn't go any longer. If we go in there and were to try to rock him then ne thinks it is play time at like 4 or 5 in the am. Any one have anything similar that they went through? TIA.

Re: Need Advice on gettin DS to STTN!

  • I wish I had advice for you, but DS is 8 months and we go through the same battle.  DS wakes up 1 to 2 times a night wanting a bottle or wanting to play if we pick him up.  Thanksgiving was so tiring for him that DH let him take a 4 hour nap in the evening, so DS was up from 1 to 4 am!  We go through this about twice a week.  If you learn any tricks along the way, please pass them forward.  For now, my sympathies!
  • You might want to try offering him less to drink when he wakes up for a bottle.  To get my DD to SSTN I started to offer her only 4 oz when he woke up (only because I knew she didn't "need" to eat in the middle of the night).  If I heard her at night, I would go make the bottle, feed her in the dark in her room and put her right back to bed.  I kept decreasing the amount in the bottle and eventually she SSTN.  I also found it helpful to time her schedule to get a bottle right before bed and add a nighttime routine (eg. jammies, bottle, book, bed)  I now have 4 kids under 5 going to bed at 8pm... yay for mommy time!
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  • My advice would be to do CIO. But since you don't want to go that route (and letting him cry for only 5 minute stretches isn't going to really do anything), I would read the book "The No Cry Sleep Solution". It DOES work, but takes a LOT of time AND patience. My friends that don't like CIO have done this method. It's very exhausting and can take up to 2 hours to get your child back to sleep.

    I did CIO with all 3 kids and I have 3 really good sleepers right now.


    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
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