Nurseries and Baby Gear

questions about the BOB revolution stroller

I'm a runner and we do a lot of outdoor activities so the BOB seemed like the most practical stroller to meet our needs. It has an adapter for our peg perego car seat, so I thought it would be the only stroller we would need- it could serve as our "travel system" in the beginning and our running/all terrain stroller later.

My question is this- do you think the BOB is practical for everyday use? mall, shopping, errands, etc? Or should we get a light weight stroller to use for those activities? We are considering the peg perego pliko P3 or vela stroller?

Also what's the benefit/downfall of the 12" wheels? The only thing I could find was it makes for a more compact fold.

Re: questions about the BOB revolution stroller

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    We have the BOB revolution and absolutely love it! It does great on runs and in any type of rough paths. We use it everyday, for everything! I don't think that it is too big (we have a Jeep Cherokee and a Dodge Ram). You are able to take of the wheels very quickly with the flip of a lever for a more compact space. We never bought the travel system and just used to adapter for a car seat, fits fine. Hope this helps!
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    I just ordered the BOB rev and will be getting a lightweight (Maclaren) for everyday use. I called the company to find out what the differences between the 12" wheels vs the 16" and they told me the 12" weren't really intended for jogging, if you want to use it for jogging at all they recommend the 16" wheels. They also said if space is a concern, the 16" is actually 2" SMALLER when you remove the wheels for travel, etc. bc they designed the 12" to have a wider frame so both strollers have the same dimensions once upright, if that makes sense. HTH!
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    I loved our single Bob, so much that I just bought a double.  However, I got the 12 inch wheels this time because I need an all terrain stroller but not a jogger.  I am hoping it works out.

    I used my single Bob for everywhere!  I did end up getting a Chicco umbrella stroller, but just too keep in my car just in case I needed it.  But I always preferred using the Bob.

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    I have the BOB REV and LOVE IT!!!!!!!  I have a small car, Kia Sephia (comparable to a Honda Civic) and it fits nicely in the trunk. It folds easy and I've never had to take the back wheels off. (we have the larger wheels, since I use it for jogging)

    I take it EVERYWHERE!! Jogging, Mall, grocery store if I'm just going in for something small, other errands.  I took it Christmas shopping and it fit everywhere just fine. I'm glad I dont have to buy another stroller. 

    You just have to get used to the folding. It took me about a week or so when I first got it to get it down. Now it's not an issue at all. And like I said, my trunk is pretty small and I still get it in and out with no issues. 

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