Nurseries and Baby Gear

What accessories do you recommend with the Baby Jogger City Mini?

There's so many extras you can get, I wanted your opinions on them!  So far,I've added to my registry:

Chicco infant seat adapter

Parent Console

Belly Bar

Child's Tray

Like/dislike?? What about a rain canopy? Are there other brands that fit with it?  Thanks! 

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Re: What accessories do you recommend with the Baby Jogger City Mini?

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    I have the carseat adaptor (universal), the parent console, the child's tray, and the rain cover.

    I don't see a need for the belly bar and the child's tray. You can't use them at the same time, and I wouldn't see the point in switching between the two. The child's tray gets terrible reviews, but I actually love it. It's annoyingly high, but DS still seems to like it. He puts his sippy in and out of the cup holder and uses it to pull himself up to look out.

    I like the parent console, but I've heard better reviews for the cheaper Sunshine Kids universal one.

    The rain cover was a ridiculous waste of money. I've never used it and honestly don't know when I would. If it's raining so hard that I need a rain cover, I don't plan on being out with DS. And normally I'd keep it in the basket underneath "just in case", but it doesn't fold up very small and takes up half of the already teeny basket. Huuuuuge waste.

    Loved the carseat adaptor.

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    I have the carseat adaptor (universal), the Sunshine Kids parent console, & the belly bar.   Love them all.

    We had the tray & didn't like it being super high, so we exchanged it for the belly bar. 

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    I have the parent console but also saw one that had an mp3 plug in and wish I had bought that one. 

    I need to get the tray.

    If you are going to fly with it I strongly recommend a travel bag to protect the stroller. The fabric was damaged the first time we flew without a bag.  

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    I have the rain canopy, but I live in NYC, so it's pretty much a necessity since we don't have a car and the stroller is the main way we'll get around with our baby. We also have the belly bar (but not the child tray), the parent console and the car seat adapter, all of which we like. 
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