Nurseries and Baby Gear

Gliders - different styles & opinions

Seems there are two different styles of gliders out there - wood framed and the ones that look like Lazy Boy chairs.   Any ladies with glider experience care to shed some light on the positives/negatives? 

The chair-looking ones seem to be more expensive.  Is it worth the extra $$?

I have also seen some of the chair-looking 'gliders' that only rock.  Do you think gliding is better than rocking? 

Just trying to decide where to spend money so that we get the most comfy/practical bang for our buck! 

TIA :)

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Re: Gliders - different styles & opinions

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    While I do think glider is better than rocking, we actually went with a rocker recliner from Ashley furniture.  My friends recommended a comfy rocker or glider recliner.  At first, we went to Lazy Boy, but it was too much!
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    I got an inexpensive glider with a wood frame that looks very nice and is comfortable at Wal-Mart for $140 and it included the foot rest. DS's room is just too small for a big overstuffed chair and he has spit up on the micro fiber cover about a million times and it just wipes clean with water. 

    We blew our budget on beautiful furniture and a convertible crib because those pieces will be around forever. The glider is temporary unless you get something you are going to put in a different room or have room to keep it in their room forever. 

    I don't know about the difference between glider and rocker but I highly recommend the foot rest. 

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    The oversize chair types definitely are more expensive on average, we had some sticker shock when we started looking at them.  The reason we decided to go with the chair type was basically because of how I'm comfortable sitting. I always have at least one of my legs tucked under me, and that wouldn't be comfortable in a narrow chair with wooden rungs on the side. The extra width and all-around cushioning were more comfortable for me.

    Good luck!

    DS (7 years old) from FET in 2010
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    I think the chairs are a matter of preference.  I wanted a fabric glider with no wood.   Once I started looking at those, the size of the chair became an issue because DH and I are both tall and I wanted a chair where I could comfortably lean my head back.  I found the perfect chair at Pottery Barn was pretty expensive, but it is sooooo comfortable.  DH and I both love it, and with slip covers, it is totally adaptable to another room in the future. 
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